obfuscated posts from the search window

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obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby Here2Learn » Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:47 pm

I was looking for help with the renaming of obfuscated posts. First, thank you for your continued work to get these posts readable by Newsbin search!

I am currently using the newsbin watchlists to get TV shows and, for the most part, it has been finding them and downloading the files but when I look at the downloaded file, it is still obfuscated rather than the name it was found with. Is there a setting I am missing?

i am using Newsbin Pro 6.81B2 build 5065

Here is an example:
- The watchlist searches for "Stuff"
- When I do the search manually, I can see "<Stuff....> 3206a34......." (plus many more results)
- When I download the file, it doesn't use the readable name of "Stuff..." but instead stays as "3206a34..."

Since it can figure out the readable name (Stuff...), can I save the file using this readable name somehow?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby Quade » Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:22 pm

You can use $(SUBJECT) in the unrar path to at least ID these files for now. I'll have to think about it. Newsbin will already use NZB Names to rename these files. I'd have to see how I could map the search info to filename.
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby Here2Learn » Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:40 pm

Quade wrote:You can use $(SUBJECT) in the unrar path to at least ID these files for now. I'll have to think about it. Newsbin will already use NZB Names to rename these files. I'd have to see how I could map the search info to filename.

Thank you for your quick response.

I was playing with different variable such as $(FILENAME) $(RAWSUBJECT) $(SUBJECT) $(NZBFILE) but none of them gave the complete name of "Stuff..." but $(SUBJECT) is better then the obfuscated name for sure! I appreciate you considering this since I find the watch lists such a handy feature.

Can I ask you, what is the recommend way to get the NZB files for TV shows automatically? I know to use search engines such as binsearch but i would like something automatic if possible.

Thank you

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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby gj8 » Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:17 pm

Just found this after I replied to a related thread (http://forums.newsbin.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=44534&p=225221).

I'm having the same problem. It seems like over the last few months, almost everything on usenet suddenly comes through with folder and filenames that are just checksums...though if you search for those checksum-like strings you then see the proper post title in the search.

I'd appreciate anything that could be done for this as well, thanks!
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby dexter » Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:18 am

Our Usenet Search function does a pretty good job deciphering some posts. Did you try searching for what you are looking for using the Search tab in Newsbin with it set to Internet mode? Searching is free so you can see what is available but the ability to queue search results for download requires a subscription.
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby gj8 » Sat Jun 30, 2018 2:55 pm

dexter wrote:Our Usenet Search function does a pretty good job deciphering some posts. Did you try searching for what you are looking for using the Search tab in Newsbin with it set to Internet mode? Searching is free so you can see what is available but the ability to queue search results for download requires a subscription.

Yep, I have a subscription. The search always shows the proper description/filename - the problem is that I don't have any way to tie that in to the auto-download/watch download paths, so I end up with tons of downloaded content rolling in that isn't decipherable when I go to sort through things on disk in my download folder. I've tried $(FILENAME) $(RAWSUBJECT) $(SUBJECT) like the other poster, and whether I use any of those in either the download or unrar paths, it doesn't pull the file information through that I see when I do a manual search.
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby dexter » Sat Jun 30, 2018 4:52 pm

If you have an unlimited search subscription, you can configure a watch list against our search database and it'll automatically download files that show up matching your search criteria and put them into whatever folder you want based on the search string if you want. If your subscription is not unlimited, you'll want to back off the frequency that Newsbin checks for new content or you'll blow through your 500 monthley search limit in a matter of days. If you want to switch from standard search to unlimited, I can take care of that for you, our control panel currently does not support that.
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby gj8 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:20 pm

dexter wrote:If you have an unlimited search subscription, you can configure a watch list against our search database and it'll automatically download files that show up matching your search criteria and put them into whatever folder you want based on the search string if you want. If your subscription is not unlimited, you'll want to back off the frequency that Newsbin checks for new content or you'll blow through your 500 monthley search limit in a matter of days. If you want to switch from standard search to unlimited, I can take care of that for you, our control panel currently does not support that.

Thanks...I have an unlimited subscription, but I think I'm not communicating what's going on effectively. The problem is the folder and search strings and a ?new? trend of a lot of content on usenet being posted with some obfuscated filenames and subjects. I made a screenshot to illustrate the problem that I'm having along with some of the other posters who have posted about this:


You can see the watch parameters that I have set up there, along with how it got pulled in, in terms of the directory name and file names. You can also see the search results if you search for that hash-like filename - the search result has the episode number and whatnot, but that's not being pulled into the download - which leaves me not knowing what any of the downloaded results are without going and searching for each downloaded filename and manually renaming things. It seems like just about everything I have watches set up for is coming in like this as of the last few months.

I've tried $(RAWSUBJECT) also, but that didn't make a difference.

Someone else posted about this problem here: http://forums.newsbin.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=44534
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Re: obfuscated posts from the search window

Postby dexter » Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:25 pm

Ok, got it. I've started a discussion with Quade about this.
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