crashes after update...

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

crashes after update...

Postby markeh » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:50 pm

Since updating to versn 6.80 build 5058...
Starting Newsbin immediately causes 2 other apps to crash:
"Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center has stopped working" - I can restart and things seem to keep working.
I get a Clipmate access violation.

Newsbin doesn't crash.

Happens 9 out of 10 times I start Newsbin. Didn't happen before the update.

Any suggestions??


Running Windows 7

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Re: crashes after update...

Postby Quade » Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:18 pm

It suggests to me that something is wrong with your win7 install.

What happens if you uninstall clipmate and reboot?
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Re: crashes after update...

Postby markeh » Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:24 pm

Quade wrote:It suggests to me that something is wrong with your win7 install.

What happens if you uninstall clipmate and reboot?

Well, there is no doubt that if I uninstall Clipmate, it will no longer crash when I start Newsbin.

These three apps have been running together just fine since Newsbin 5.5.3 - so mid 2012.
The problem started with this last upgrade.
So the best idea might be to downgrade one Newsbin release - I was not having any particular problem with the previous release.

I have just upgraded Clipmate to the latest release. If that doesn't improve things, perhaps you could give some guidance on a one release downgrade of Newsbin.


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Re: crashes after update...

Postby Quade » Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:13 pm

I have just upgraded Clipmate to the latest release.

I'd suggest you contact them and ask why they crash in the presence of a fairly basic application like Newsbin. Maybe you can tell it to ignore Newsbin?
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