Download to... functionality

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Download to... functionality

Postby Machenka » Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:59 am


I've been using NBP for years and finally decided to register to the forum and ask about a feature I've been missing since the beginning. I'm not sure whether it's even possible but here goes.

Since I have several drives and external drives that change drive letter from time to time I would like to have some kind of "Save to" popup whenever I import a NZB file. The best solution I've found so far is to disable automatic start of NZB download when imported and then change the destination drive/folder before starting the download, but it would be so much easier if I could just select the drive + path wheneve I double click the NZB files. Is it possible to activate such a feature?

By the way; where is downloaded files saved to if the main download folder is not available, eg. if a drive letter has changed from F: to E: and there's still a F: path in the main download setting? I can see that the files are still downloaded in the download list so...?

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Re: Download to... functionality

Postby Quade » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:13 am

1 -
You might want to set a number of autoload folders and then set each one with a different download and unrar path.
You could name one "DriveD" and the next one "DriveF". Then when you drop an NZB into the correct folder, Newsbin will pick it up and send it to the correct download and unrar path.
I can write a note to consider this idea. It would have to be optional though because most people seems to want this automated

2 - When Newsbin downloads and the download path doesn't exist. They get stored as chunks of the file in the data folder path. These chunks eventually get used when the path is corrected.
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