6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp folder creation

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6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp folder creation

Postby wngnt » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:16 pm

Every download now unrars, creates a tmp file within which is the file with the obfuscated name but at that point Newsbin exits. When Newsbin is restarted that particular file is then reloaded (no more pars are downloaded), unrar-ed again, another tmp file is created and the obfuscated renaming is completed. The downloaded rar files are deleted as is the second tmp file leaving the first tmp file behind.

The problem is that every file to be downloaded now requires a restart of Newsbin. I have searched for a switch that might be causing this issue but can see nothing obvious.

Last edited by wngnt on Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp file creation

Postby wngnt » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:48 pm

Further to my post....

As I was writing the above the final file in my list downloaded, unrar-ed, renamed and completed correctly. Sigh.

So I chose another two files (these were 480P - small size so they wouldn't take long to download) and they downloaded, unrar-ed but did not rename. This has something to do with the obfuscated file name or the nzb? I did not expect Newsbin to exit and it did not.

I just tested a couple of x265 (which I don't normally download) files and they worked correctly. I'm wondering if I am encountering a particular nzb creator that is causing me, specifically, the problem.
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Re: 6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp file creation

Postby wngnt » Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:02 pm

Just put 8 obfuscated files in a list and the original behaviour has returned. Tmp file created, Newsbin exits and leaves the 8 files in the download list.
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Re: 6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp file creation

Postby Quade » Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:18 pm

I'm not getting any other crash reports so, it's probably a good idea to check your setup. Are you downloading and unraring to internal drives? If not, I'd try that and see if the symptoms change. You might want to tell any security software to ignore Newsbin's data folder and maybe this "tmp" folder.

I'm not clear what you mean by "tmp" file.

If you're using NZB's. rename depends on the NZB file. Newsbin will try to use the filename of the NZB as the base for the rename but it only renames a particular flavor of the obscured files. If they change the format, the rename might stop working.

You can email us some of the problem NZB's.
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Re: 6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp file creation

Postby wngnt » Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:05 pm

I was thinking that this problem was peculiar to something in my setup considering that there wasn't anything in this forum about it.

Yes, the download is to an internal drive.

The tmp file, sorry, it's a folder, :oops: (format - Un****_tmp) I am referring to is the one that is created as part of the renaming process, I believe. It appears in the download directory as the unrar is happening and disappears when/if the renamed file is created correctly.

I am looking at Bitdefender as a possible reason for this behaviour. It has already caused considerable problems with my QNAP. A recent BD update must have changed/added some settings. I have now added newsbinpro64.exe to the exception list in 'Advanced Threat Defense' and added the Newsbin download folder to the antivirus scan exception list.

The second, third and fourth files in the list of 8 have downloaded correctly so possibly that 'Advanced Threat Defense' thing was causing the problem.

Thanks for your quick response Quade. I'll post here again if the issue resurfaces.
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Re: 6.81:5080 exiting right after tmp folder creation

Postby Quade » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:07 pm

The tmp file, sorry, it's a folder, :oops: (format - Un****_tmp) I am referring to is the one that is created as part of the renaming process, I believe. It appears in the download directory as the unrar is happening and disappears when/if the renamed file is created correctly.

Yeah, you get that if you download and unrar to the same folder. How about setting an unrar folder in the options, "C:\UnRAR\$(NZBFILE)\" for instance and see if the symptoms change? You might need to manually make that folder.
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