Wildcard words or symbols searches

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Wildcard words or symbols searches

Postby eclapwannabe » Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:34 am

I want to find all the MP4 Files for the Name Ted
Teds videos are numbered eg.

So when I do search in the search box I want a universal symbol(s) or wildcard character(s) that
will let me find all the mp4 files that include the word Ted so it would look something like this


TIA as always
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Re: Wildcard words or symbols searches

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:51 pm

Have you tried just searching for "Ted"? Numbers are typically stripped from the key words we index. I assume this is the search server.

If it's headers you can use a regular expression:

"ted[0-9]{1,6}" would probably catch them all.
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Re: Wildcard words or symbols searches

Postby jimerb » Tue Dec 25, 2018 3:51 pm

Are you searching for headers after you retrieve from search?

I noticed when I search and retrieve results that he behaivour is a bit different if i search again without hitting enter.

On the second search am i actually searching headers that were retrieved on the first search?
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Re: Wildcard words or symbols searches

Postby eclapwannabe » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:08 am

Okay I think just searching for Ted would not have resolved my problem.
I think that in order for me to do a better job of searching for content is

1. I need to get a handle on Regular Expressions. I know there are wildcard characters that
would help me to fine tune my search such as ?, /, etc.
2. I probably need to do a better job when I am downloading headers for a "new" newsgroup eg
filters. This would take load of of header searches under local (stored content on my hard drive.
3. ICNR why just "Ted" would not work. To be honest I asked a question on something right before I was heading off to visit relatives for the holidays. Usenet usage goes down greatly when visiting my kinfolk.
4. I found a great website that was very exhaustive about regular expression and it covered a wide variety of computer languages regex examples. I thought there was a link in the help section of NBP-64 but I cannot seem to find it now :oops:
What gets my knickers in a wad is that I failed to bookmark the page. dang it!

Thanks anyway
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Re: Wildcard words or symbols searches

Postby Quade » Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:03 pm

It's not clear to me if you're using headers or our search engine. The answer changes depending on which you use. If you're using headers, you can simply load the group and then type in "ted". Or use local search. "ted.*mp4" would be more detailed and only return things containing both ted and mp4.

"ted" is a perfectly valid regular expression. You can then add things to it if you want.

"ted[0-9]" - means "ted followed by one number"
"ted[0-9]{2,5}" - means "ted followed by 2-5 numbers".

It's typically not hard to use simple expressions to find what you want.

On the other hand, if you're using our search engine you can't send regular expressions to it. You could search for "ted" then use the search entry to search the results with regular expressions though.
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