Data Folder

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Data Folder

Postby ovmodak » Mon Jan 28, 2019 11:36 am

My data folder is taking up two much hard drive space. If I delete the folders in Spool_v6 how will that affect newsbin. I download mainly from searches and do not directly from downloading headers from the groups. I used to do that before I realized it was using my hard drive space. If someone can help me here, how can I avoid this in the future If I do want to follow groups.

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Re: Data Folder

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:27 pm

You can delete it but it'll trigger new header downloads. That's where the headers are stored. If you do delete it, I'd set a short "download age" in the options so, it doesn't try to re-download all those headers again.
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