expand multiple filesets

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Moderator: Quade

expand multiple filesets

Postby coyote2 » Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:51 pm

To expand a single fileset one simply clicks the + sign on the far left of the row.

But I always want to expand all the filesets in my queue (primarily to monitor whether the data is missing or from my fill server's block account, each of which sometimes happens when it gets pulled down mid-download). Sometimes like now (when I've got multiple seasons of a TV show in my queue) that's many dozens of filesets.

I'd love some way to expand all (or all selected) filesets in the queue; perhaps a right-click menu option?
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Re: expand multiple filesets

Postby Quade » Sun Jul 28, 2019 10:17 pm

I select a bunch of files in the download list then press "Ctrl-Right Arrow" and it expands them all. If you have a large download list, you will blow memory usage up. By large, I mean numerous 1000's of files.

Newsbin only shows actual status for files that are currently downloading. Files farther down the list aren't even loaded into memory yet. So, I'd only expect real status on the top couple sets of files.
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Re: expand multiple filesets

Postby coyote2 » Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:42 am

Quade wrote:I select a bunch of files in the download list then press "Ctrl-Right Arrow" and it expands them all.

OMG thank you very much Quade, this is great, the answer to my most fervent wish!

I'm totally kicking myself because I thought I asked this many years and a million clicked-plus-signs ago, but apparently didn't according to my "View your posts" listing.
If you have a large download list, you will blow memory usage up. By large, I mean numerous 1000's of files.

Very good to know on my old PC, thanks!
Newsbin only shows actual status for files that are currently downloading. Files farther down the list aren't even loaded into memory yet. So, I'd only expect real status on the top couple sets of files.

Also very good to know. And not a problem, I'm never monitoring the ones that aren't currently d/l-ing.
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