Search By .NZB Name In Download List

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Search By .NZB Name In Download List

Postby WhatZit » Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:53 pm

Within the download list, the grouped fileset created by a loaded .NZB has this format (or very similar):

Code: Select all
+ <NZB FileName> Subject [n/n] - "Attachment Filename.part01.ext"
    Subject [n/n] "Attachment Filename.par2"
    Subject [n/n] "Attachment Filename.part01.ext"
    Subject [n/n] "Attachment Filename.part02.ext"
    Subject [n/n] "Attachment Filename.part03.ext"
    Subject [n/n] "Attachment Filename.part04.ext"

When using the "Find:" field at the top of the Download List tab, if you search for "NZB FileName", or any part thereof, you won't find anything.

You can only find text contained within the Subject or Attachment Filename.

For example, if your NZB is loaded as:

+ <SomethingReallyGood.nzb> 89734687325897397535 [2/76] - "4406ac03e93a4ff1ae201cb.part01.rar"

You can only use the "Find:" function to locate terms like "89734" or "4406ac". Searching for "something" or "good" will find nothing.

When you have a download list of hundreds or even thousands of files, most of which have obscured filenames, it is a massive pain to manually scan through the NZB filenames to find the entry that you may want to delete or move up/down or whatever.

Is it possible to enable the Download List's "Find:" function to include the NZB filename in its results?
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Re: Search By .NZB Name In Download List

Postby WhatZit » Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:58 pm

WhatZit wrote:When you have a download list of hundreds or even thousands of files, most of which have obscured filenames, it is a massive pain to manually scan through the NZB filenames to find the entry that you may want to delete or move up/down or whatever.

So, no-one else has a Download List numbering in the thousands, of which, thanks to obfuscation, the only human-readable text is the NON-SEARCHABLE .NZB filenames?

You also can't search the Download List by "Download Path", so the use of $(NZBFILE) isn't a workaround. Sure, you could sort by "Download Path", but then you lose the custom positioning of any entries that you've manually moved up/down/top/bottom.

To reiterate the problem, if you want to find specific entries in an obfuscated Download List of thousands, you MUST scroll through thousands of screen lines!

There's almost no point even having a "Find:" field.

Quade, is this something you're even considering?
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Re: Search By .NZB Name In Download List

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:43 pm

I just missed your post. I'll note it and see if it's something I can do for the next beta. I might have already fixed it. I'll verify.
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