How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blue?

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How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blue?

Postby JaySkulk » Tue Oct 01, 2019 7:51 pm

I'm tired of going through 100's of links before I finally find the right one which will download properly.

Is there any way by now that one can easily tell which are good and which turn Red? It certainly would save many hours
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby Quade » Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:31 am

The problem is our search engine and your news server aren't connected so, while we catalog what's been on some servers, it might not be on your server. My advice though is that you filter on size so you only see reasonably sized files (throw away the impossibly small files) and tend to try the newest downloads first.

Some news server are just very aggressive about removing content.
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby JaySkulk » Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:47 am

Thanks for the learned and factual response. My Newsserver is "Giginews". Does that one work> Or should I switch to the Newsbin Newsserver if that would be better?
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby itimpi » Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:01 am

JaySkulk wrote:Thanks for the learned and factual response. My Newsserver is "Giginews". Does that one work> Or should I switch to the Newsbin Newsserver if that would be better?

Newsbin do not run a news server.
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby JaySkulk » Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:06 am

Roger that. So share with me which one of the news servers works best with Newsbin? so I don't have to spend hundreds of thousands of seconds looking for the Jackpot link. :-}
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby Quade » Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:05 pm

Giganews is probably the most aggressive about removing content. If the content is less than a week old, I'd probably use Altopia. They don't remove files but they only retain them for a week or so. If you want older stuff, most servers are better than Giga, like usenetserver but all servers remove content when they're required to.
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby JaySkulk » Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:58 pm

OK, how about the one called
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Re: How can I tell which links lead to good downloads in Blu

Postby dexter » Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:18 pm

We have a list of preferred servers at - if you follow a link from that page we get a few bucks if you sign up with them. Newshosting is on the list but Usenetserver is our go-to server these days.
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