Is there any possibility to have a Quick Entry field in the toolbar on main screen to paste Passwords in? Right now, I have to right click, pick Password Manager and then paste it and add and close.. .etc.
Would be great if I could just quickly add PWDs as I usually MANAGE my passwords only once a week or a month if at all
There's a txt file that contain the passwords. It get read every time Newsbin looks for passwords. You could manually manipulate that file to add and delete passwords.
I'm trying to imagine how this would work. You'd set a password and it would get applied to all downloads till you set it to something else? Or maybe you're want a right click "Add download with Password" to both add the password and the download?
Today I right click anywhere in the downloads list and select [Password Manager]. Then I click in the Password field CTRL+V and then click add New button. I then click OK to close.
I was hoping to perhaps get a text field in the Downloads toolbar (see below) to quickly paste a password and add it without having to do the above set of steps
A toolbar button to open the password manager might be a little less drastic a change, while still being more convenient than having to go through the menu.
Quade is right. You could just keep the RarPasswords.txt file open in Notepad and quickly add your passwords that way.