Bug 6.82RC3 build 5133 - sort issue

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Bug 6.82RC3 build 5133 - sort issue

Postby jimerb » Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:35 am

Just wanted to mention that on 6.82RC3 build 5133...

In the failed files list if you sort the column "status" it doesn't work.

I was trying to sort the list to group all the "duplicate detected" together so i could delete them and then focus n the rest.

Clicking the header seems to have no effect -- though it prompts to sort it.
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Re: Bug 6.82RC3 build 5133 - sort issue

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:04 pm

Thanks for the report. 6.82 is done, I'll note it for the the next beta cycle.
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