Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

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Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby jimerb » Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:18 pm

I have NZB downloads going to a SSD drive and UnRARING going to a high speed external nas drive.

About 93% of the time -- perfecto.

However sometimes the unrar is happening on my SSD drive and just stays there. I periodically review the SSD to clean up any debris that may be there and I always find main unrared files sitting there. (Not PARS and RARS but files I'm looking for.)

Why would this be happening?
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby Quade » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:23 am

Off the top of my head, It suggests you have other unrar folder set, maybe in the group options, that are applying.
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby jimerb » Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:05 am

This is a very new SSD drive. I just have 1 watch folder and most stuff works fine. Just periodically i see some real unrared files sitting in the download folder instead of the unrar folder.

Does the unrar folder get created when I add the NZB to the watch folder or when it is time to unrar?
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby Quade » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:54 pm

So you're not subscribed to any groups? Just use NZB Files? Did you set the download path in the watch item or are you using the main unrar path?

The unrar path is set, when files are added to the download list, the unrar path is created when when the unrar starts. It does make me wonder if there's some NAS issue.
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby jimerb » Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:43 pm

Quade wrote:So you're not subscribed to any groups? Just use NZB Files? Did you set the download path in the watch item or are you using the main unrar path?

The unrar path is set, when files are added to the download list, the unrar path is created when when the unrar starts. It does make me wonder if there's some NAS issue.

No i'm not subscribed to groups. I'm strictly using NZB's. Yes I have all three paths set in the NZB watch. The D/L folder is on a NAS drive. The UNRAR on a QNAP NAS.

I'd say for every 500 files 5-10 might go to the download folder. The rest work fine.

Is there any condition whatsoever in the code where the download folder would be used for the unrar? Bad Drive?; Low Memory; Sub-folders or something?

Do unrars happen directly to the unrar folder or is there an intermediary step (that involves the dowload folder perhaps)?
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby Voyager62 » Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:00 am

jimerb wrote:However sometimes the unrar is happening on my SSD drive and just stays there. I periodically review the SSD to clean up any debris that may be there and I always find main unrared files sitting there. (Not PARS and RARS but files I'm looking

I occasionally have the same problem. At first I thought it was because of the RAR name or that I temporarily ran out of external drive space, but not sure now. I just go in weekly and cleanup the download folder where Newsbin leaves the unRARed files and all the garbage. I use RED (Remove Empty Directories) to quickly clean up the directories.
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby jimerb » Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:59 am

Voyager62 wrote:
jimerb wrote:However sometimes the unrar is happening on my SSD drive and just stays there. I periodically review the SSD to clean up any debris that may be there and I always find main unrared files sitting there. (Not PARS and RARS but files I'm looking

I occasionally have the same problem. At first I thought it was because of the RAR name or that I temporarily ran out of external drive space, but not sure now. I just go in weekly and cleanup the download folder where Newsbin leaves the unRARed files and all the garbage. I use RED (Remove Empty Directories) to quickly clean up the directories.

Thanks for the tip on RED. I use Directory Opus which is an amazing file manager that is highly customizable. It's invaluable when using newsbin.
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Re: Odd NZB UNRAR Behaviour

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:07 pm

I've noted this issue but so far there aren't any clues about why it might be happening.
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