Weird problem

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Weird problem

Postby eclapwannabe » Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:56 am

This has never happened before. It happens quite frequently with X-news
I downloaded a 7z zip file. since it a zip archive the file is sent to Unrar folder.
Since some passwords do not work through password manager I have to unrar manually by adding a password
When I get ready to delete the 7z archive I get an error message that says the file is locked through newsbin pro/unrar/"name of file". Not a biggie because I use LockHunter.
Do you think because I am having so many problems with this Dinosaur of a laptop, I am receiving this error?
Normally it would just start deleting the file. Newsbin had finished processing the file and the archive was urrared.

Head Scratcher.
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Re: Weird problem

Postby eclapwannabe » Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:00 am

Okay guys I figured what the problem is/was
This needs to be cancelled but I do not see an option for that.
Newsbin ran into problem but instead of giving me an error message in File explorer it sent
a message to my desktop instead. So I didn't notice it until I went back to my desktop area.
I think it is related to an old way past its prime computer. I am sure that my Windows 10 is screwed up
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