High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Postby z-a-c » Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:12 am

Hello everybody - I have a big, little problem ... ;-)

The larger the amount of data already downloaded, the worse it is.
If the operating system is freshly started and Newsbin is running, the CPU utilization is <1%.
If I add several NZBs for download, I have between 3 and 10% CPU load.
After downloading some files, the CPU load increases to 100%.
It apparently has nothing to do with Autopar - because it is the same even when the function is switched off.
Even after the download is complete, the CPU load remains at 100%.
After the download is complete, the cache (1000/1000) no longer increases to 1000.

I checked the threads of NewsbinPro.exe with Sysinternals Process Explorer.
The load is distributed over several threads with the start address NewsbinPro.exe! Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management _...
For me it looks like the memory addresses of already completed downloads are still being managed.

Does anyone have any ideas?
I am now using version 6.82 - and have tried 6.72, 6.80 and 6.80.
Version 5.59 seems to work (but no search and no registration).

Tested with Win 10 x64, Win 10 x32 and - currently "running" - Win 7 x32.
Intel Atom D2550 (2 cores / 4 threads @ 1.86GHz)
4 GB Ram (2x DDR3 SO-DIMM each 2048 Mbytes)
256 GB SSD (100 GB for C:\ Win and 120 GB for D:\ Newsbin-Installation und Newsbin-Data-Folder)
2 TB HDD for E:\ Download-Folder.
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Re: High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Postby Quade » Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:05 pm

I leave my newsbin running basically 24x7 and it's sitting at .2% CPU. So, I suspect and solution is going to be some oddball thing. The fact it happens with all newsbin versions except the very oldest suggests it's something with the PC but I'm not sure what. What security software do you use?

Off the top of my head, I'm thinking it might be NZB specific and/or security software related. Do you use encrypted downloads? If yes, it might be worth cleaning out the "RARPasswords.txt" and see if that changes the symptoms.
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Re: High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Postby z-a-c » Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:08 pm

... no security software is running (Windows Defender is off).
Yes - I also have encrypted downloads - but, I have changed the brackets {{PWs}} to # (I do not unpack with Newsbin - switched off) and the RARPasswords.txt is not created at all.
I also think it's more of an operating system problem (missing dll or something like that - nothing is installed except Newsbin - nothing at all).
However, I have the problem under Win 10 x64 and x32 as well as under Win7 (x32) and that is very irritating.

I have set the ChunkCacheSize=1000 - which I also see as free when I start Newsbin.
If all downloads are finished and there were no errors (empty "failed files"), I only have between 992 and 996 chunks free ...
Now I'm always missing a few "free" ...
Sysinternals Process Explorer shows me some threads with too much CPU load ...
The number of missing chunk "slots" roughly matches the threads.

I have already considered leaving Newsbin installed on C: \ and just putting the data directory on D: \ - but somehow that would be more voodoo than logical.
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Re: High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Postby Quade » Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:47 pm

I have set the ChunkCacheSize=1000

Yeah, this will run you out of RAM. You don't have much RAM so, this probably isn't a good idea. I'd set it to 100-200, restart and try again. Because of how newer versions work, having a really large cache doesn't buy you much and too large will consume all of your RAM. You mentioned it in your first post and I didn't notice.

As long as your password list is empty, it shouldn't cause any load. Only one thread does unrar so even if it did, it wouldn't drag your machine down like this.
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Re: High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Postby z-a-c » Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:31 am

In my previous "attempts" I had ChunkCacheSize = 1000 == RAM 1 to 1.5 GB
ChunkCacheSize = 2000 == RAM 2 up to 3 GB
ChunkCacheSize = 100 and 200 == RAM 0.7 to no larger than 1.5 GB
But that is very imprecise in the short period of use and only a snapshot.
However, I also had the same "problem" with 100 and 200 (or no more free chunk caches).

I think that there is a direct connection with the individual threads that Sysinternals Process Explorer can display and the chunks (from size cache) that are no longer available.
The screenshot attached in the first post was taken after a 2 GB download - after that I emptied all the lists (downloaded files, ...) and waited 10 minutes.
In the status bar of Newsbin the values ​​for chunk size cache are 995/1000 and in Sysinternals Process Explorer there are (still) 5 threads with CPU load greater than 15%.
However, I was able to move the download folder - the files were not blocked by these processes.
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Re: High CPU load / Pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management

Postby z-a-c » Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:37 am

But now something funny has happened ...
But ... I would like to start with a song quote:
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee - I'm a laughing gnome and you don't catch me (in this case "me" = my problem)

After watching a streaming movie with my wife yesterday, I slowed down the download speed in Newsbin.
Then restarted the PC and started a larger NBin download.
After two hours the CPU load was "only" between 7% and 60% ...
Today, download was "finished" and I have 1% processor load.
OK - speed problem (?)
(Bottleneck leads to CPU threads hanging) - * lol *

I have:
Internet: ~ 40.0 Mbps / 4.8 MBps
NB-download-without-restriction (5 Server / 10 connections): 37.2 Mbps / 4.7 MBps
NB-download-as-watching-movie/=test-limitation: 21.3 Mbps / 2.6 MBps

I should now change my question ;-) - Again:
My network is a 1GB network
(All network cards, managed switch and OpenBSD firewall (bypass my download to this one PC))
Operating system, Newsbin program and Newsbin data directories run on an SSD.
Download directory (s) on an HDD.

Now I want to install Win 10 x64 again.
I want to use my network card (Intel Pro / 1000 GT) again.
I removed the card because the onboard chip is the same (82574L) and I thought I wanted to save 0.727 watts.
The PC (Atom D2550) consumes 10 watts and is passively cooled - nice part for economical and quiet 24/7 operation via remote session.
(That with Win10x32 and now Win7 was only because of "does not work" - out of the box.)

When I'm done with it I will (probably) face the problem again.
But with new ideas ...

I'm a laughing gnome and you can't catch me
Well I gave him roasted toadstools and a glass of dandelion wine ...
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