bug: 6.82 issue with marking articles

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

bug: 6.82 issue with marking articles

Postby michl080 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:27 am

6.82 seems to have broken a feature that worked in 6.81.

If I want to mark a couple of articles either by "mouse click" on top and "shift mouse click" at the last article, marking works as expected.
The same situation appears when I mark articles using the keyboard with "shift cursor down".

If I delete the marked articles, the marked line should be where the first marked line was.

In fact the marked line appears where it is expected, but the "hot spot" line is where the LAST marked line was. This is also visible as a thin dotted line.

Consecutive attempts to mark lines fail, because the fist marked line is not where the marked line is, but where the thin dotted line is.


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Re: bug: 6.82 issue with marking articles

Postby Quade » Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:17 am

I'll write a note to check it. Thanks.
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