Newsbin says file complete when it’s not

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Newsbin says file complete when it’s not

Postby buggs1a » Sat May 16, 2020 9:45 am

Why does newsbin say files are complete when they’re not? Giganews says no such article yet newsbin shows complete.

When it’s incomplete why won’t newsbin just move to the next file right away? It’s going to take hrs to go through all the incompletes I’ve added to the download list. I’m assuming they’re all incomplete.

Giga seems to go a couple years I guess. Scratch that. Even 2019 files are incomplete.
Most things are.

Still an issue but never mind. I got a refund from giganews. I’m not sure who is the best provider now but I don’t have money for a provider, nzb and search. Ugh.
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Re: Newsbin says file complete when it’s not

Postby Quade » Sun May 17, 2020 12:09 pm

Think of the timeline

1 - Header download -> Files on Server.
2 - Time passes
3 - Giganews removes files from server
4 - Time passes
5 - You attempt to download.

So from the headers and our search engine the files were complete and ready to download. There's no way for the search engine or Newsbin to know that giganews removed the files in the mean time. Giganews is the most aggressive about removing files too.

The latest release will fail a download when it exceeds 10% missing posts.
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