how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

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how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

Postby beany » Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:32 am

ver 6.81 build 5080

Hi Guys, Not needed to come here for a good while however I have a frustration with the persistant low space error window

I have had this in the past and usually kill newsbin pro but this time I have a large file unrar ing and dont want to corrupt it (it may recover fine but dont want to chance it).

I have freed plenty of disk space and the error window reports the new space but whenever I click okay the error is still there. I have clicked for 10 mins in case these were 100s of concurrent errors to be cleared but my clicking finger is f**k'd now Image link not allowed for unregistered users.

so 2 qestions please
1 how do I clear this error now I have freed disk space?
2. If I cant clear the error will newsbin pro recocover fine if I kill it? the file is at 70% complete.

or... thinking about it maybe I just leave it to finish then kill it. I would like to get ris of the windows though as it stops me doing anything else.

cheers B .
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Re: how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

Postby Quade » Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:49 pm

First, I'd upgrade to 6.82. There were disk space checking changes in that release.

If you look down at the bottom of the main window in Newsbin, it shows 2 free space numbers. One is for the download folder, the other is for the data folder. Can you tell which one is showing "Out of space"? If I had to guess, I'd guess you're running low on the data folder. Recycle Bin will eat up disk space too and Windows is too slow to clear it when Newsbin needs the space.
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Re: how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

Postby beany » Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:14 pm

Hi, here's a screenshot. Lots of free space but clicking other than okay bells and okay just keeps the same window coming up immediately. ... 4.png?dl=0
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Re: how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

Postby Quade » Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:57 pm

I don't know at this point. Is it a NAS? It's like Newsbin can't get the free space from the disk. I'd definitely give 6.82 a try.
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Re: how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

Postby beany » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:23 am

Sure I'll kill it and upgrade. it's not a problem now as that 30GB file has completed (even though it's reporting 0% it's actual all done and transferred out by sonarr).
It wasnt like it froze or anything as the unrar continued in the backgrounnd it is just that the interface is unavailable as it's paused and that window wont clear.

cheers anyways
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Re: how do I get rid of low disk space warning please?

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:50 pm

It suggests that the low space was reported wrong and then correctly, then wrong again, then correctly. One of the reasons Newsbin works the way it does is that windows sometimes lies about free disk space. In the next beta, there won't be a popup anymore. It'll just stall the download/unrar till space is freed up.
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