Use news group from single server in multi-server setup

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Use news group from single server in multi-server setup

Postby GrouchoBarx » Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:03 pm

I currently use Giganews and Usenteserver for my servers. They have many groups in common, but each server has some groups that the other doesn't carry.

Is there anyway to only reference these groups on the server where they exist? I know I could set up 2 separate instances of Newsbin, but I would like to keep them together to avoid redundant downloads.

It's not a huge deal, I just get lots of errors on the server where the group doesn't exist.
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Re: Use news group from single server in multi-server setup

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:10 pm

Newsbin doesn't track the groups to server so, there's not mechanism for this. Because of cross posting, just because a server doesn't have the group, it doesn't mean that the server doesn't have posts that appear in the group.

If it's the popup error reporter that's bothering you, you can permanently disable it. All the errors still appear in the logging tab.
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