Search & Filtering (Rejecting) Executable Attachments

Tips on writing regular expressions for searching the post list

Moderators: Quade, dexter

Search & Filtering (Rejecting) Executable Attachments

Postby Dominus » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:12 pm

I have
Code: Select all
as an expression to search by as suggested on a regex site.

When I search a group the results are lacking.

I shortened the expression to
Code: Select all
and the results are vastly different.

Can someone explain the difference in the expressions as it applies to newsbin?

I am not skilled in regex.
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Re: Search & Filtering (Rejecting) Executable Attachments

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:27 pm

"[.]exe" is all you need. It's case independent so you don't have to worry about upper or lower case.

"[.]exe(\s\"|$)" would be more precise. It means ".exe followed by space, quote or end of line".


Is more complicated than you need.

Keep in mind when you use our internet search, it works more like google and doesn't use regular expressions. You can apply a regular expression after you search though in order to filter the results down.
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