Reset newsbin?

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Reset newsbin?

Postby rh » Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:59 pm

So the system croaked while NB was hard at work. Now it starts, no gui, but is churning about 12% CPU. Not really sure which file(s) to delete/restore.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby Quade » Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:11 am

I'd probably try moving the DownloadsV2.db3 out of the data folder to start. If that doesn't fix it, maybe "DownloadMarker.db3".

Pretty much all the DB's are fair game and will be re-created if you delete/move them.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby rh » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:07 pm

Thanks. I'll note that going forward. This machine has locked up occasionally in the past. I just realized I had a backup of that folder from 'early' in the morning prior to the lockup. Rather than guessing I just restored the entire folder. Now it starts up just fine.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby Quade » Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:36 am

I'd consider any lockups to be unacceptable. That might just be me being spoiled though. I leave machines running for months at a time.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby rh » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:42 pm

Same here. My record on XP is 233 days. Win 7 I think was around 190 days. Win10, good luck with that. Though I do have it partially hog-tied :mrgreen:

I have noticed a strange behavior though with a Watch Topic. Specifically sorting. It's always been by date and the newest entries have always been at the bottom - until after I did the restore.

Now I have to click-click the date column to re-sort after it's been updated by incoming posts. I thought maybe the file might be mucked up so I just deleted all stored posts. That didn't help. I'm also not seeing as much activity. I removed the two filters I recently added to make sure that wasn't affecting the quantity.

Maybe there's some other file I need to reset/rebuild. Or perhaps just delete and recreate the Watch Topic.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby Quade » Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:20 pm

Might sort then close the tab. Then re-open the tab and see if it remembered the sort order.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby rh » Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:08 pm

Remembering the sort order is not a problem, it's always done that.

I always leave that tab open, coming back to see what's new. The strange part is that when the contents are updated with the tab open, the order is unpredictable. Most items are sorted as expected. Just random entries are out of order. For example as I'm scrolling backwards through the most recent 0d:00h:00m entries I'll come across 0d:00h:28m in the middle of that listing.

6.82 b5142 is what I'm running.
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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby rh » Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:24 pm

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Re: Reset newsbin?

Postby rh » Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:36 pm

Same behavior with sorting by name. What in my restore could have possibly broken NB's ability to keep that list sorted as I leave it open and new items come in?

Or what can I try and delete/reset to see if it makes a difference.
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