Any way to make Newsbin feel snappier?

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Any way to make Newsbin feel snappier?

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:04 am

I built a new computer over the summer, Threadripper 3970x and a Samsung 970 Pro M.2. It's blazing fast. But Newsbin does not open very quickly. A lot of times I hit the pinned Newsbin icon on taskbar my mistake (not trying to load an NZB). Newsbin appears to opens instantly, but then hangs for 11 seconds until it responds and I can close it with the X (I just timed it). I mostly download 4K remuxes, I'm wondering if there are any temp files or something that are clogging up Newsbin and making it take a while to load initially.

Anything I can try to manually delete or settings I can reset? Or is there just a lot going on underneath the hood and it can't be avoided?

Thank you
Last edited by EvanVanVan2 on Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any way to make Newsbin feel snappier?

Postby Quade » Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:08 am

If you mainly do NZB files, you could probably kill all the DB3 files in the data folder. In the options select "Open Data Folder" then close Newsbin before deleting. You really just need the NBI file.

Do you use passwords? If so, you might want to wipe the rarpasswords.txt file from time to time. The next beta re-designs the passwords so they don't all collect in the rarpasswords.txt file anymore.
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Re: Any way to make Newsbin feel snappier?

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:19 am

Yeah I exclusively use nzb files, I'll killing db3 files. Thank you. I also fixed my OP, obviously that was supposed to be newsbin does not open very quickly.
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Re: Any way to make Newsbin feel snappier?

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:43 pm

Yeah I tried deleting the db3 files, it didn't help..and obviously it just recreated them the next time I start Newsbin.

Don't get me wrong, Newsbin runs very only complaint is how long it takes to close right after you open it up. Every other file menu/settings/window/etc. runs normally on startup, I just don't understand why it takes so long to close the program.
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