Downloading A Date Range Of Posts

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Downloading A Date Range Of Posts

Postby jimerb » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:54 pm

This is a little embarrassing to ask what might be a simple question for a LOOONG time user:

How can I download a specific date range of posts from a single group?

For example, I ONLY want to download headers that are between 190 and 200 days old from a group. I don't want a zillion headers to download to get to 200 days.

I also don't want to filter on a name. I want to see ALL of the posts for those 10 days.

NOTE: When i right click on the group and select "Show Posts Special..." and pick those 10 days nothing loads. I want to pull the headers down again JUST for those days.

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Re: Downloading A Date Range Of Posts

Postby hollywood » Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:05 pm

jimerb wrote:This is a little embarrassing to ask what might be a simple question for a LOOONG time user:

How can I download a specific date range of posts from a single group?

For example, I ONLY want to download headers that are between 190 and 200 days old from a group. I don't want a zillion headers to download to get to 200 days.

I also don't want to filter on a name. I want to see ALL of the posts for those 10 days.

NOTE: When i right click on the group and select "Show Posts Special..." and pick those 10 days nothing loads. I want to pull the headers down again JUST for those days.


Hello - I also was wondering the same thing - is it possible to enter a calendar range, and ONLY download headers for the FROM/TO dates? For massive groups with a long history, this is the only sensible way that doesn't bring your system to a crashing halt. Any update here?
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