Remove repaired but, not unrared sets in the download list

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Remove repaired but, not unrared sets in the download list

Postby ovalseven » Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:14 pm

I have this option unchecked but every few seconds Newsbin downloads a par file it doesn't need. Then, when all the par files are downloaded, the whole file set disappears from the download list.

How do I repair rar sets, but keep them in the list?
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Re: Remove repaired but, not unrared sets in the download li

Postby Quade » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:08 pm

Auto autopar one or off? If you disable autopar, it goes into purely manual mode which means it downloads, and then removes the files. Assuming that you want to manually repair them.

If you disable autopar, there's no repair or even checking so when the last file downloads, the entry is removed from the download list. You can still invoke the pars from the files list.
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