searching for individual posts/files ignoring grouping

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searching for individual posts/files ignoring grouping

Postby sander » Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:25 pm

I'm running 6.73 and I have a problem where mp3 grouping sometimes grabs a bunch of grouped posts and puts them into one group. Typically I can work around it by sorting by date and finding the group, expanding it and selecting the post, but I was wondering is there a way I can search for individual posts even if they are in a group? Or can I temporarily disable the grouping of posts for searching?

Lastly, I just wanted to thank you for the decade(s?) of use I have gotten from this great program!
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Re: searching for individual posts/files ignoring grouping

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:37 am

6.73 is decently old. I'm not sure exactly what you mean. You mean grouping as in all the files are in the same group of file or you mean your groups all show up on the post list?

You can load individual groups by right clicking them and loading them. You can also right click and "New Folder" then move you groups into folders of related groups.
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Re: searching for individual posts/files ignoring grouping

Postby sander » Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:06 pm

Sorry I didn't know how to explain it correctly.

There is a newsgroup where the posters frequently post collections which are combined incorrectly by Newsbin where multiple collections appear as one (not your fault I know), as shown in the screenshot below.
I can circumvent this by expanding the collection and selecting individual posts, but I would like to search for individual posts regardless of whether they are in collections or not. Does that make sense?

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Re: searching for individual posts/files ignoring grouping

Postby Quade » Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:37 am

6.82 doesn't attempt to combine those anymore. I'd suggest upgrading. You'll have to re-download headers if you want to undo the grouping 6.73 did.
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Re: searching for individual posts/files ignoring grouping

Postby sander » Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:54 pm

Excellent. That did the trick. Thanks as always!!!
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