Server errors

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Server errors

Postby linuts » Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:21 am

I have just purchased 1000Gb from Astraweb. But when i try to download data i am getting server errors when the login is rejected.
I opened a ticket with Astraweb #AW00071037 and got an interesting reply.

"t would appear from your question that you are asking for assistance finding and/or accessing copyrighted material. We realize this may not be the case; however, we respect the rights of all copyright holders and fully comply with the DMCA and err on the side of caution in these situations. We will not be able to assist you with this issue. If you need general assistance with the use of our services or if you have any other questions, please open a new support ticket, as this one will be closed."

The file was a ten year old Cooking show (Hairy Bikers). I'd post an image of the errors, but don't know how to.
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Re: Server errors

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:25 pm

You probably shouldn't ever mention specific content in tech support requests. They just blanket didn't respond due to that.

Password problems are pretty neutral. I'd suggest asking for support without mentioning specific downloads. If you see 430 errors in the Newsbin log, you can assume the files have been removed or are too old for the server.

On the other hand password issues apply to all files so there's no need to mention specific downloads.
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Re: Server errors

Postby linuts » Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:50 pm

There was no mention of content in my complaint just a picture of the errors i was getting ( Server login rejected ) I would have had to be logged in to get the 430 and file not found errors. Been a customer of Astraweb a long time and this has started happening since they took away the requirement of putting ssl in the server address.
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Re: Server errors

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:04 pm

I get it. So they just knee jerked. I thought since you mentioned the content here, you mentioned it to them.
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Re: Server errors

Postby linuts » Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:54 pm

Just got another email with some suggestions one of which is:The Newsreader is not providing the updated credentials to the server even through you put them in correctly.
I ended up deleting all the servers and re-adding least this time it downloaded the headers for all 3 servers. I'll just have to see what happens. :roll:
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