Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

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Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Mav99 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:33 am

Auto UnRAR currently unpacks archives recursively. If it finds an archive within the original archive it unpacks that as well, and so on. That often destroys the download.
For example, when the content of the original download is a setup program with data in zip files, NewsBin will unpack and remove the zips, and the setup program will fail because it can't find it's required files any more. Even if you disable the deletion of UnRARed files, it still creates a mess.
The best way to stop this right now is to disable Auto UnRAR completely and unpack everything manually. A lot of unnecessary work and a lot less comfortable.

So please add an option to Auto UnRAR to *ONLY* unpack the original downloaded archive and leave everything inside alone.
Personally I'd even make that the default setting.

There's also an annoying bug with Auto UnRAR:
If there's not enough disk space to unpack the files, Auto UnRAR will just stop unpacking, leaving incomplete files without any warning or error message. On top of that NewsBin still regards the UnRAR process as complete and deletes the RAR files. That leaves you with useless, incomplete files and no RARs to fix this. After clearing more space, you'll have to download everything again.
Auto UnRAR should instead pause and show an error message with the options to continue (after clearing up some space) or cancel. If canceled, the incomplete files should be deleted and the RAR files should be left alone.

I'm currently using NewsBin Pro 6.82 - Build 5142
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Quade » Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:52 pm

Recursive unrar is optional in I believe B1. It might be optional in 6.82. I'm not sure.

Code: Select all

You could try adding this to the NBI.

Newsbin checks the unrar folder for free space before it starts the unrar. I thought it would stall the unrar when you run out too. I know the beta stalls the unrar in the middle of the unrar if you run out of space.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby chefjoe » Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:54 pm

FWIW, I have been having an issue with a "recursive unrar" not working on a media file season that has been coming via sonarr fed into newsbin 6.82 b5142 . I think the issue might be that it's a 7zip that was put into rar files.

The various rar files are handled and then get assembled into a single large 7zip file. Then the rar files get deleted and there's a 7zip file chilling that looks "hung" to sonarr. If I manually have 7zip "extract here" then the resulting mkv file is picked up by sonarr and it proceeds to do the sorting and renaming it wanted to do.

I'm not sure if it's an integration thing between the two programs or newsbin not liking the 7zip file buried in a rar (once upon a time two layers of compression was how you escape virus scanners). I'm just mentioning it in case the recursive unrar feature should actually handle this type of problem.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:05 pm

Newsbin prior to the 6.90 beta didn't support 7zip. I don't actually recommend using the current 6.90 beta though. It has issues. I've handed off a new beta. I'm hoping Dex posts it up this week.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby chefjoe » Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:14 pm

Thank you for the prompt response. I just noticed saying the same thing about 7zip being a newly added format in 6.90 .
6.82 seems to support all the current schemes except 7zip. You just need to feed the NZB's directly to the download list and not load them into the display first. The new beta does 7zip.

Glad to hear it's "on the way" and I did have to rollback from beta1 earlier so I look forward to beta2.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby astrax » Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:43 am

Would it be (easily) possible, to have an option for a button like the 'Enable or disable automatic shutdown'-button for en-/disabling automatic unRar?
It would come in quite handy I think. Since there's no option to assign a shortcut or customize the toolbar for it :)
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:34 pm

I'm not clear what you're trying to accomplish. How about some examples?
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby astrax » Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:47 am

Quade wrote:I'm not clear what you're trying to accomplish. How about some examples?

Basically I would like to avoid always having to go into the settings menu, to turn off/on the automatic unRar function. Usually it's just when the HD for unRARing is full, or I don't want the files to be extracted, since sometimes even with all parts and PARs downloaded, files won't repair fully. An optional button, like the one for shutting down after the downloads have finished, in the tool bar would be nice.

Actually it would be even better, to have a right-click option to turn off auto unRar for certain files. Could be added to the AutoPAR sub menu (which already includes Run QuickPAR and UnRAR/Join files).
I just remembered,I asked for something like that last year: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=47558 :D
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby kbja » Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:51 am

I hope this is the right place to post. Please advise if not. I am having an easily reproduce-able problem with the nested Auto UnRAR. That is, in this case, a zip file unzipping into a collection of RAR files. It is then my job to unRAR the resultant files. It seems to turn out that in every instance of this, the 9th file is incorrectly named. As an example, I have a folder containing zip files named

Edited to remove details.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Quade » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:20 am


This tells me you have duplicate files.

What version are you using? I'd try 6.90 RC3 because if it needs fixing, they fixes will be here.

1 - I'd use WinRAR to look inside the ZIP and see if all the RARS inside the ZIP have the correct name.

2 - I'd set an unrar path so The files you downloaded go to a different folder than the files you unzip. That helps prevent name collisions between downloaded and decoded files.

I edited your post to remove the details. I kept a copy to study.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby kbja » Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:48 pm

I'm already using 6.90RC3. My 'Download folder for downloads from NZB files' is the same as the 'UnRAR Folder': X:\Newsbin\$(NZBFILE)\, so I could add another sub-folder. The Zip file hierarchy is a little confusing. I don't really see the filenames matching up to create one wrong file in each instance. Would you like an nzb to work with?
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby kbja » Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:52 pm

Creating a sub-folder for the UnRARs didn't help. I have the same problem exactly.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 15, 2021 1:57 pm

You can email the NZB to [email protected] for me to check.

My 'Download folder for downloads from NZB files' is the same as the 'UnRAR Folder': X:\Newsbin\$(NZBFILE)\, s

I'm recommending a completely different unrar folder. "X:\UnRAR\$(NZBFILE)\" for instance. Downloading and unraring to the same folder is inherently problematic because sometimes the contents of the files being unrared have the same filename as the files being unrared and they can collide. Particularly ZIP might be problematic because the don't have the same protections RARS do.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby kbja » Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:55 pm

As I said in my previous post, I tried using a sub-folder (in that case UnRAR) which produced the same results. I have just now tried YOUR suggestion (a sub-folder of *) and it yielded the same results as well. I suppose I should explain that I had at least a couple of dozen of these just before I reported this issue. They ALL had the exact same problem and always with the .r08 file. I can, and did, work around this issue to extract the files. It was just a little torturous. Is there any way I can send you a sample nzb file to work with? Thanks for looking at this.
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Re: Auto UnRAR issues and suggestions

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:54 pm

I don't know what you mean by "subfolder". I'm suggesting you download to one folder and unrar/unzip to another That's the most reliable way to download. I'm suggesting you use this 100% of the time, not just for these files.

As I said, if you email me the NZB. I'm happy to try it. [email protected]

I have a feeling you're running into some sort of filename collisions (assuming the problem isn't the zip files) which is why I'm suggesting using NZBFile for both download and unrar. That'll give each NZB a unique download and unrar folder. Thus will prevent collisions. It won't have anything to do with the PAR files because the PARs (if any) should only apply to the outer ZIPs.

It's all guesswork till I can try an NZB.
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