Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 04, 2021 12:17 am

You might find things run cleaner if you unrar to a different folder.


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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Stan » Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:38 pm

I hate to ask too much but is there any way we can sort the servers or the sort can be changed back like 6.82 to sort by priority and not name.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby kenr » Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:54 am

Cosmetic only:
watch topic. If you choose delete it says "delete group"
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Bismark » Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:29 am

once again, I lost all my files in the file tab, when I downloaded less than 10,000 files by accident. Is there anywhere I can set the size of what can be in the file tab? This is really troublesome.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:01 pm

once again, I lost all my files in the file tab,

Are the files "lost" or simply pushed out of the list by newer files? Lost to me means a blank list but, you make it sound more like your new downloads have pushed out the old. The files are still sitting on your disk waiting for you do do something with them.

I hate to ask too much but is there any way we can sort the servers or the sort can be changed back like 6.82 to sort by priority and not name.

Not sure I see the point. Why is this important to you? Do you have a whole bunch of servers?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Bismark » Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:00 pm

Yes the files are on the disk, but they no longer appear on the files tab, where I can organize them, move them, or look at them. I would really like to keep things there for an extended period of time, like forever for some of them. Just asking if there is somewhere I can set the threshold for removing them from the list.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:37 pm

I can think about it. It's not something that'll make 6.90 which I hope to push out after the next RC.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Stan » Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:33 pm

I hate to ask too much but is there any way we can sort the servers or the sort can be changed back like 6.82 to sort by priority and not name.

Not sure I see the point. Why is this important to you? Do you have a whole bunch of servers?[/quote]

I did I am almost done with my posting tests and now have fewer servers. I just know past versions including 6.82 did it but I see it might be a problem now.

A bigger issue I seem to still have unknown issues with the watch lists in RC5. I am still trying to figure that out.
I have seen other posts about deleting databases, will that help? Other than from what I read I could delete them all but DownloadMarker.DB3 cause from what I understand this is the one that keeps track or markers as to what was downloaded and I still download directly from a few groups, most others downloads are via nzb.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:00 pm

DownloadMarker mainly notes files that don't come from headers so, NZB Files and search results. Header downloaded groups typically store the old/new status in the group databases themselves.

There's no fixing the databases when they're corrupted. You can sometimes extract some of the data and generate a new DB files but, whether that works or not depends on how corrupted they are. I have a feeling that the newer versions of Sqlite I'm using are better able to detect corruption so, DB files that might have limped along on 6.82 don't work at all in 6.90.

It's probably not a bad idea to backup "Signature.db3" along with "DownloadMarker.db3" from time to time.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby kstan12 » Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:16 pm

hi. can you explain this - Sonarr: Default unrar path in sonarr options is bad ?

recently upgraded to rc5 to get rid of the annoying issue with the nzbgeek nzb's.

i'm having issues with sonarr importing a download. they come down ok but don't get imported. keep getting no files are eligible for import. file exists in the proper location.

is there something i need to adjust in newsbin?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby alexon » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:45 am

Quade wrote:There's no fixing the databases when they're corrupted. You can sometimes extract some of the data and generate a new DB files but, whether that works or not depends on how corrupted they are. I have a feeling that the newer versions of Sqlite I'm using are better able to detect corruption so, DB files that might have limped along on 6.82 don't work at all in 6.90.

The logic is unclear.
What is the goal achieved by using new versions of Sqlite?
Are they more reliable and less susceptible to damage? For whom or for what is all this done?
Example: a user with old corrupted databases decided to download old content.
Using an old Newsbin with an old version of Sqlite, the user sometimes will still be able to get what he wants.
Using Newsbin with the new version of Sqlite, the user will get nothing.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:44 pm

There's always bug fixes. I add the latest version, run it through my tests and if everything is working properly assume all is good. I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle, the problem isn't Sqlite detecting corruption, it's that the DB files are corrupt.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:49 pm

hi. can you explain this - Sonarr: Default unrar path in sonarr options is bad ?

The old default path wasn't a full path.

I specifically tested Sonarr downloading and picking up files using NZBGeek NZB's in RC5 So, I'm not clear why you're having an issue. You have to make sure not to download and/or unrar to the sonarr control files folder.

For example if Sonarr is Controlling "Y:\Sonarr\" for your downloaded files. You don't want Newsbin downloading or unraring to that folder.

Is Sonarr running on the same machine as Newsbin? You can run into pathing problems if that isn't the case.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby kstan12 » Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:12 pm

i migrated sonarr to a docker container on my nas. i was running v2 and wanted v3 so i did a clean setup. i had a lot of trouble getting this to work properly, finally setup a remote path mapping in sonarr to get it to work. has been working fine for months and suddenly i'm having an issue. only change i made was upgrading newsbin, so i'm assuming this is where the problem lies. sonarr is acting like it doesn't know about the remote path mapping.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby alexon » Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:17 pm

Quade wrote:There's always bug fixes. I add the latest version, run it through my tests and if everything is working properly assume all is good. I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle, the problem isn't Sqlite detecting corruption, it's that the DB files are corrupt.

I think I understand you. Maybe you are right.
90% of users will agree with your reasoning. But there will always be 10% of those who look at it from a different angle. This is inevitable because people have different priorities.
Everything is right. You are doing a great and necessary job, satisfying the needs of most users.
No one prevents the remaining 10% from using the old version.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:37 pm

No one prevents the remaining 10% from using the old version.

Sure as long as you accept there will never be any feature or download improvements in the old versions. The biggest improvements for 6.90 are for NZB users. If you're not using NZB's there's not much reason to upgrade.

- 7zip decode too but that's still relatively rare.
- Repair has had numerous fixes too but mainly to handle obscured NZBs.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Stan » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:00 am

Quade wrote:DownloadMarker mainly notes files that don't come from headers so, NZB Files and search results. Header downloaded groups typically store the old/new status in the group databases themselves.

There's no fixing the databases when they're corrupted. You can sometimes extract some of the data and generate a new DB files but, whether that works or not depends on how corrupted they are. I have a feeling that the newer versions of Sqlite I'm using are better able to detect corruption so, DB files that might have limped along on 6.82 don't work at all in 6.90.

It's probably not a bad idea to backup "Signature.db3" along with "DownloadMarker.db3" from time to time.

I decided to go for it. I deleted all databases except DownloadMarker.db3. I then found I should not have deleted filters.db3. I do back up my files so I recovered the filters.db3. I think I see things going better now. I can also always restore Signature.db3 if I feel I need it. All other dbs rebuilt themselves fine. It seems watch lists work better which is one of a few thongs I was hoping would fix in doing this.
I look forward to future rc's and updates. it's good to see this program being supported so well.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:32 am

In the future, I'd suggest just deleting the one you know is bad. It doesn't hurt to clean out the data folder from time to time.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Stan » Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:30 pm

Quade wrote:In the future, I'd suggest just deleting the one you know is bad. It doesn't hurt to clean out the data folder from time to time.

I was not sure what was bad but everything works now except I still have the program just close on me for no reason.
I made a separate post with the windows 10 pro event logs hoping it helps.
Also a note the program was closing before I deleted stuff, I forgot windows has the event logs /
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby kstan12 » Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:13 pm

got sonarr imports working again. there was an account issue on my windows host and i had a cifs remote mount on my nas - which was now failing to authenticate. so that piece was broken. ended up switching windows to use a local account & recreated the cifs mount - works now.

definitely not a newsbin issue!

thanks for confirming it wasn't newsbin related.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby JayPea » Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:32 am

JayPea wrote:
Quade wrote:What kind of drive is the data folder on?

What kind of files are they? Images, MP3's or large rar sets?

Data Folder is on a Kingston SH103S240G (240GB SSD) & Unrar folder is on a CT1000MX500SSD1 (1TB SSD)

images, nfo files, nzb files, they all get caught up. Generally block selecting when browsing a group.

Is there any movement on this issue? I'm running the latest beta (5524) and still observe the same behaviour. I've sorta upgraded my way out of it a bit as I'm now running a i9-12900K with 32GB of DDR5, with only SSDs in the box, but I still see the same old problem.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC5 - build 5485

Postby Quade » Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:58 am

5524 is the current release.

I'll have to re-read the posts to refresh my memory.

How much do you have in the download list? Might be worth exiting Newsbin and deleting "Downloads_V2.db3" in the data folder. This will clear the "Download/Failed/Wish/Files" lists. Newsbin will regenerate the file.

When you add 5000 images to the download list

1 - Each file will be looked up from the spool_v6 folder to find the download data.

2 - Each file will be added to the downloads_v2 db3 file

3 - Then Newsbin will display the list.

I just tried it. There was about 15 seconds of stall when adding 5000 images. It's on my todo list to figure out why but, there won't be any changes till the beta program starts up again.
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