Workaround for downloading NFOs from indexer (Newznab api)

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Workaround for downloading NFOs from indexer (Newznab api)

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:43 pm

The indexer I use includes NFOs with their posts. I asked about having them included in the nzbs but I was told they are usually sourced from places other than usenet. They suggested it's possible using their using their newznab api. I don't really know what that is but I saw it was requested here a few years ago. The response seemed to be "maybe but that Newsbin Search was the preferred alternative" (which makes sense for the developers).

Not really understanding what newznab api offers or how it works, is there any workaround for conveniently downloading nzbs and grabbing the the NFO? I've never really messed with any automation stuff, sonarr, radarr, couch potato, etc. because I'm pretty OCD about the which specific releases I want and how I want them named. But if those are the solution and can be used with Newsbin I'll check them out.

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Re: Workaround for downloading NFOs from indexer (Newznab ap

Postby Quade » Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:21 pm

Most people seem to use "Sonarr" as a front end to their Newsnab servers. Sonarr then feeds the NZB's to Newsbin to download.


I'll add direct access to newznab API to my wishlist.
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