Cannot "change" download folder location(s)

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Cannot "change" download folder location(s)

Postby thecubefarm » Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:50 pm

I cannot change the save to directory for the 3 settings for download locations.

The program says that they are set to what I want, but when I start a .nzb, it completely ignores the location I have set and saves the previous location.

Main: b:\usenext
d/l folder from nzb file: b:\usenext\$(NZBFILE)\
Unrar folder: b:\usenext\$(NZBFILE)\

Main: D:\convert\a\
d/l from nzb: D:\convert\a\$(NZBFILE)\
Unrar: D:\convert\a\$(NZBFILE)\

The only way I was able to fix this was to edit the Newsbin.nbi file directly.

So the program shows the right paths, but the .nbi did indeed have the old (b:\) location.

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Re: Cannot "change" download folder location(s)

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:03 pm

What version of Newsbin are you using? I tested this pretty thoroughly in 6.90. It suggests Newsbin can't write to the NBI file for some reason. Like it's not writable by the user running Newsbin.
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Re: Cannot "change" download folder location(s)

Postby thecubefarm » Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:45 pm

Hi, the version is 6.90RC5: 00 77 00 A0 C3 22

I am the user who runs newsbin, and made the changes.

I also am the user who was able to change the .nbi file so in theory newbin should have my permissions.

And as mentioned, newbin in the settings showed the changes, but it just would not update the nbi file. How could it "remember" changes, but not commit them? Curious.
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Re: Cannot "change" download folder location(s)

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:24 pm

It should save the setting as soon as you exit the options window. You can force a write by clicking the second floppy from the left too.

Keep in mind that files in the download list already have a set path so, changing the path in the options won't change the path of existing downloads.
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