ERROR DecodeException

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ERROR DecodeException

Postby Cheatman » Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:15 am

I've been having various problems with newsbin for a few months with failed downloads, I've been thinking it's because the files are incomplete but it's not.

Just did a test on one nzb containing 5 rars, it downloaded part1 and part2 fine as I ran the par2 in multipar and they both passed the checks fine.

I closed multipar down and waited for the download to complete....and I got a Critical Error Popup from newsbin.

ERROR DecodeException: - Decode Failed - Download all PARS:

The par2 files and part1 and part2 rars have been deleted by newsbin, though part 3,4, & 5 exist.

I fed the nzb into a freeware nzb downloader and it worked fine.

Newsdemon server
Newsbin 6.90 Release - build 5524 (tried on this, but ive been having the problem for a while - just never thought it was newsbin)

Any ideas?
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:41 pm

Did you feed the NZB directly to the download list? You really need to feed modern NZBs directly to the download list. Where did you get the NZB's from?

You can send some failing NZB's to me to test to "[email protected]"

Let me know here after you send them. I'll give them a try.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Cheatman » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:11 pm

I've PM'd a link

NZB is from DSlug

When you say "Did you feed the NZB directly to the download list?" do you mean I can't use the NZB Watch List to do it?

Like I say it grabbed the first 2 rars fine, and the other 3 rars it downloaded too. It's just that it seems to have deleted the first two rars before it extracted.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:53 pm

NZB Watch list is like feeding directly to the download list. As long as it goes directly to the list.

Using 6.90 I drag and dropped the NZB directly into Newsbin and it downloaded and unrared with no issue.

Are you downloading and unraring to the same drive or using a NAS or something? Trying to figure out why your results were different from mine.

I'll try autoloading it next.

Might be worth drag and dropping the zip on Newsbin again and checkout where the Unrar path is. Make sure it's a valid folder. Then delete from the download list and try again from the autoload folder.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Cheatman » Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:37 pm

The files are downloaded and unrared to the same internal drive.

If I load the nzb again (bypassing download filters) it downloaded the part1 and part2 rars...finds the existing part3-5 rars and par2 scan and unrars fine.

Ive been using the same method for years (well over a decade) - not changed anything. Before today I've downloaded 10 or so nzbs in a sequence of nzbs and 8 are fine but 2 fail to download fully - but the 2 nzbs are fine as I've downloaded the exact same nzb them with a different utility. It's got to be my end I guess as nobody else seems to be have the same problem...but why do some work fine and others dont.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:39 am

Are they all downloading to a common folder or are you using $(NZBFILE) on both the download and unrar path.



What I'm wondering is whether there are name collisions between the filenames of multiple NZB's from your NZB Site? By using $(NZBFILE) in both the download and unrar folders, the downloads should be isolated from each other.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Cheatman » Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:04 am

Yes, $(NZBFILE) is used for both.

Main Download folder:
H:\Newsbin Pro Downloads\$(GROUP)\

Download folder for downloads fron NZB Files:
H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\$(NZBFILE)\

UnRAR Folder:
H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\$(NZBFILE)\

Just tried another NZB (via my usual NZB watch folder method) and watched the download folder (nzb consisted of 500M rars + par2s)...and this time it's slightly different.

I watched it download the initial small par2 and then the part1 rar, it immediately came up with "ERROR Disk space Check" and then deleted the H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\*****************\ folder at the same time that I was viewing in it file explorer. The H drive is a non-partitioned drive and has 200gigs of free space.

It then proceded to download the part2 rar and recreated the folder with it in, and then downloaded the part3 rar and the par2 block files in the same folder .
It then came up with DecodeException, as the folder contains just 5 par2 block files and rar parts 2 & 3.

[02/20 10:47:15] ERROR Disk space Check : Unable to determine free space: H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\*****************\
[02/20 10:49:41] ERROR DecodeException: - Decode Failed - Download all PARS:

The file list tab lists the small par2 file, the 3 rar parts and the 5 par2 block files.

I've PM'd you a link to logfile extracts, maybe it'll help. Thanks for investigating.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:37 am

it immediately came up with "ERROR Disk space Check" and then deleted the H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\*****************\ folder at the same time that I was viewing in it file explorer. The H drive is a non-partitioned drive and has 200gigs of free space.

This almost sounds like something is deleting the folder out from under Newsbin. In the options if you select "Open Data Folder". What folder pops up? Hopefully it's not your "H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\" Folder.

If you have another PC. I might try a default install on that PC and see if it's got the same symptoms. You're the only one reporting this right now. So I'm not sure where to go with it.

If you use security software, other than the MS stuff, I might make it ignore the download folder and see if anything changes.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Cheatman » Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:52 pm

Thanks for the tips, I have found the culprit for last issue.

I run the Medusa SB branch, and I found this in the logfile:-

2022-02-20 10:47:15 INFO POSTPROCESSOR :: [.......] Deleting folder (if it's empty): H:\Newsbin Pro Decoded Downloads\*****************

It wasn't empty but I'm guessing when it did the folder scan it was (or it doesn't count small par2 files), and it deleted it without checking if there was any files in it.

This might have been happening to me for ages, but either it was missing the medusa scanning window or it deleted small rars which it could recover with par2s later.

Obviously, the problem in this instance was that it was deleting a large file completely and there wasn't enough par2 files to recover it.

I've found the option in Medusa to stop it deleting "empty" folders and I've edited the nb settings so that the the rars/par2s go to the main download to be safe.

Fingers crossed, it'll fix the various issues I have been having with incomplete downloads....I'll let you know if it doesn't :)

Thanks again and sorry.
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Re: ERROR DecodeException

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:20 pm

That's good to know.

I'd suggest making your tool only monitor the unrar folder and make the unrar folder distinct from the download folder.



Then make sure your tool only looks in the unrar folder.

It sure looks like you're downloading to "Decoded Downloads" instead of to the download folder. Keep in mind each autoload can override the main download folders.
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