Update to latest version

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Update to latest version

Postby lofgents » Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:52 am

I am on version 6.82 and would like to update to 6.90. Is there any step by step information on how to do this without having to input all the settings again. (Servers/usr names/passwords and download locations etc). I am using Windows 10 op system.

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Re: Update to latest version

Postby Quade » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:48 pm

It should do this automatically. To be sure, it's best to save off a copy of the "NBI" file which is in the data folder typically. You should be able to go into the options and select "Open Data Folder" then find "Newsbin.nbi" and copy it somewhere for safe keeping. Then upgrade.
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Re: Update to latest version

Postby lofgents » Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:26 pm

Thank you very much, updated and all settings are intact but very good for me to know where the settings are stored.

Thank you again.
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