7zip automatic unpack speed bug/problem (NB 6.9)

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7zip automatic unpack speed bug/problem (NB 6.9)

Postby JoBlack » Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:42 am


I use Newsbin 6.9, Windows 10 and I have seen a problem with automatic unpacking 7zip / 7z files. It needs a huge amount of time to do that. A 1GB file needs almost an hour and the harddisk goes crazy. A server harddisk without other reading/writing background processes is used.

There seems to be a problem with the 7z unpack implementation that possibly isn't visible in SSDs. Do you unpack every single byte separately of a 7z file?
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Re: 7zip automatic unpack speed bug/problem (NB 6.9)

Postby Quade » Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:30 pm

I'm using the original 7zip DLL to unpack so my code doesn't actually touch the data.

Is it a bunch of files or one large file? I've noticed an odd slowdown when it's unpacking a bunch of files. Something I've been meaning to investigate.
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