Newsgroup drops

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Newsgroup drops

Postby jaraxle » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:01 am

I am sorry if this has already been covered, I did search but was unable to find anything. Perhaps my search terms where not listed in the topic.

I am running Newsbin Pro 6.90B12.
I go to the Groups List Tab. I have 9 groups already there which I setup a long time ago. I go to add a new group, find it, click (Check mark) it and its now listed on the tab (10 groups).
I restart and it will show 10 groups briefly but the group I just added is gone and I am back to 9 groups.

I have added the 10th group, saved the config (ini), shutdown and restarted and get the same results.
Any ideas??

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Re: Newsgroup drops

Postby mimauk » Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:15 pm

In the add groups popup window it says in order to add a group either double click on the group or click on the add group button - the button actually says subscribe group.

If I'm adding a group, I usually click on the blue button by the group name - click on the subscribe group button and then click on the OK button on the bottom of the popup window. That usually works.

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Re: Newsgroup drops

Postby Quade » Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:59 pm

First thing I'd do is upgrade to the 6.90 release then try again. It might have been some problem in B12.
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Re: Newsgroup drops

Postby jaraxle » Thu Mar 17, 2022 4:43 pm

Thank you for your responses.

Ok I updated and now I am at version --
6.90: 00 94 A8 72 C4 14
Installed with no issues. Rebooted. Opened. Added my group (alt.binaries.sheet-music).

Added via, clicking the blue dot (check mark appears) clicked subscribed group - clicked OK and the group shows in my list (takes it from 9 to 10). I can download headers, etc without issue. I close it, and then re-open it will come up and show 10 groups (does not show the new one) for maybe 3 seconds and then rolls back to 9 groups.

I am sure its something simple but heck if I know. There is not a lot of activity in the group so its not something I will check daily but was just curious if anyone else had seen it or more importantly if some knew what the issues might be.
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Re: Newsgroup drops

Postby Quade » Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:16 pm

It sounds like Newsbin can't write to the configuration file.

In the options select "Open Data Folder". Unless you've changed things, this folder should have a file in it called "Newsbin.nbi" that's where the lion's share of the configuration is stored. It should be in the user tree for your current user. You can't write to some other users users folder.

When you add a group. Internally Newsbin adds it the the configuration and then when you exit Newsbin saves it to the Newsbin.nbi file, assuming Newsbin can write to the file.

1 - In Newsbin select "file save as" then note the folder. Is is the same folder as the data folder? Then cancel the save.

2 - Add the group like you just did. Hit the second icon on the toolbar, this will force a save. Then you can look inside the file "save as" showed you with wordpad and see if the new group is in there.

I have a feeling either the NBI is in some other users folder or something has made it "read only".

A work around is to exit Newsbin, right click and "Open as Adminstrator" then add the group again. If that works, it's showing you there's a permission problem writing to the NBI file as your regular user.
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Re: Newsgroup drops

Postby jaraxle » Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:31 pm

That did it!! The INI file was not in that data folder.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

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