Servers disappeared

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Servers disappeared

Postby ces1948news » Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:34 pm

I'm using version 6.90B12: 00 14 0F 40 5F 1C
I have been using Newsbin for years but I only use it sporadically and for simple tasks so I'm not really an expert by any means.
Yesterday I logged in and Newsbin informed me I needed a news server to use Newsbin. Sure enough when I checked under servers I had no servers listed when prior to yesterday I had 3 servers listed. Is there any explanation as to how this happened?
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Re: Servers disappeared

Postby mimauk » Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:00 pm

That's happened to me before - turns out I had started NBPro from an old .nbi file that was made when first installing newsbin and not having completed the setup.

Do a search on your computer for .nbi files and check the dates they were setup and pick one that has a date near the last time you used NBPro and double click on it .

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