Forum keeps logging me out

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Forum keeps logging me out

Postby RangerXus » Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:42 pm

Long time user of Newsbin and this forum.
Trying to do some searches on deleting posts.
After a few searches I get message "not allowed to search" and see that I've been logged out.
I enter my userid/password hit enter and it then says I exceeded maximum attempts. Need to do capcha.
I then again enter my userid/password and answer the question and get back in.
Do a few searches and again get message "not allowed to search" and see that I've been logged out again.
Rinse and repeat...

What's going on with this?

Edit: Also having the same problem posting in the forum. Get logged out and have to log back in and then can post.

(I'll open a post in V6 Technical group with my questions since it is too painful to use the forum and find answers from older posts in forum).
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Re: Forum keeps logging me out

Postby Stan » Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:37 pm

When you log in, there is a box that says 'Log me on automatically each visit'

Make sure to check that when logging in I have not had to log in again unless for some reason something cleared cookies.
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Re: Forum keeps logging me out

Postby RangerXus » Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:34 pm

I was not closing the browser. It was not an issue of cookies. It was logging me off after a couple searches or when trying to post. Logging in again let me continue until it logged me off again.

Problem appears to be related to my ad blockers. I turned them off and I have had no problem today.
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