Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

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Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby Quade » Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:35 pm

New Beta. Lots of small tweaks mainly for obscured NZB's and extensionless files.

    - AutoPAR: Singleton RARS aren’t unraring.
    - NZB Loader: password not making it to download database (problem passing the password forward).
    - Display:Expanded files in the download list were one off painting progress.
    - Display: Added additional thread to “add download” to prevent any GUI stalling when adding a bunch of files to download. One issue is that while it’s feeding downloads, you can’t feed more downloads at the same time.
    - Display: Downloads Dwelling on progress column shows a popup summary
    Was returning a text hint on notification when it’s supposed to be a progress bar.
    - Display: Stall when adding lots of small files to the download list from a post list. Easy to repro when adding 2000 images.
    Added a worker thread to intermediate.
    - Display: Wish and failed list show the wrong prompt when deleting.
    No fixing it without making a new language.dll… problematic
    - Display: ClearList on files list no longer prompts using download list prompts.
    - Decode: 7Z Handler not handling UTF8 encoded paths correctly.
    Normal ascii UTF8 was fine but any encoding broke it. The files still decoded and were on disk but bypassed normal cleanup.
    - Display: Single PARS in downloaded sets in download list don’t show downloaded.
    Off by one error in display code.
    - Download: Extensionless files probed for extension.
    New support for parsing RAR5 to pick out “.partXXX.rar” extensions.
    RAR before 5 doesn’t support this probing.
    Download: Obscured media files with no PAR files get probed and renamed if there’s an accompanying NZB file.
    Download: On restart already downloaded files didn’t get a progress bar.

Big behavior change is the way bulk downloads get added to the download list. It's now threaded so it shouldn't stall when you add 1000s of posts in one shot.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby ItsMe » Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:50 am

Lets see if I can find any in this version...
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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby JayPea » Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:49 am

Quade wrote:
Big behavior change is the way bulk downloads get added to the download list. It's now threaded so it shouldn't stall when you add 1000s of posts in one shot.

Sorry to tell you this but I've just installed the latest beta and tested the above by adding 5K files to the download queue and now the stalling appears worse?

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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:50 pm

Tell me about your machine. Mines pretty hefty. I don't even notice when I add 5000.

With 126,000 posts in the post list (last 30 days worth) I just added 6000 images from the "earlmiller" group and it finished feeding the download list in about 10 seconds. No stalling. I could resize the window back and forth the whole time. The files probably average 4-5 megs each.

I added to an empty download list. I never noticed much stall before but I notice none now.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby stavros » Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:49 am

just upgraded to 6.91B3 a few days ago and have noticed some strange behaviour:

I loaded an nzb in the apporved manner, it got added to download list but I didn't see the extracted, unrar'd file in the file list, only some of the parts had been downloaded.
I checked the target directory and a couple aof Par2 files and part1 - part5 of the 11 parts in the NZB were downloaded.
I couldn't see any errors in the failed file list or the debug log.
File names were like blah.blah.partXX.rar where XX = 01, 02 etc to 11

I checked the contents of the NZB using a text editor and it was properly formed and contained the references to all 11 parts, plus .par2s.

I loaded the NZB via manual Load NZB button and this reflected what appeared to have happened - the files in the directory had a green downloaded icon,
the missing files still appeared as not downloaded.

I manually double clicked each missing item in turn, waiting until each was downloaded before doing the next one.
Each file appeared to "download" instantly and got saved to disk (these were 240MB parts, so even with my 1GB connection, each should take longer than that if they were re-downloaded!).
After all parts were marked as downloaded, the file extracted ok and was saved to the expected directory and the par2s etc were tidied up.

I suspect that all of the parts were downloaded originally, but some somehow got "lost" before they could be saved to the target d/l directory so that they could be unrar'd.

Something else I have noticed, that mey be related, is :

Loading an NZB via the Load NZB button, then selecting a number of parts to download (say about 80 odd) leads to some parts not being marked as downloaded.
The pattern I saw was the first 20 to 30 were downloaded and marked as such, but then only 1 in 8 to 10 parts was downloaded and marked as such for the remaining 50 or so, the interveneing parts were marked as not downloaded.
I couldn't see any errors in the failed file list or the debug log.
I then went back and extended-selected a group of 9 not downloaded parts and pressed ctrl+e to download them - they all got added to the download list, but only 1 or 2 of them were marked as downloaded.
Again, I couldn't see any errors in the failed file list or the debug log.
I had to indivdually select a part for download, double click it, wait for it to be downloaded and then select the next part before the icon changed to downloaded on the previous part just finished.
Eventually, all of the parts were downloaded and marked as downloaded, but it took a while.

I hope that's not too confusing :-)

Please let me know if you need any more info.

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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 01, 2023 3:18 pm

Did you feed it directly to the download list or was it adding as a bunch of files from a post listing?

There's actually a bug in b3 which can remove uncompacted files from the download list if they're not grouped. I've fixed it. It has to do with how PARS trigger cleanup. It doesn't impact grouped files.

I'll try to post up B4 today.

So what's probably happening is you add the files and the premature clean up is removing them before they finish downloading.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby stavros » Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:08 pm

Hi Quade,

The first problem I listed, the NZB was loaded into the NZB Watch folder and then into the download list automatically.
I've just had a look at the NZB again, there are 11 parts plus 6 par2 grouped together under a single collapsed line (when viewed loaded into NB) - making 17 entries, followed by a single .par2 for the 18th entry, so 2 lines when everything is collapsed.
This .par2 (vol31-34.par2 - about 5MB) and the intial .par2 (the smallest one, without the volxx-yy) were downloaded with the first batch of 5 partXX.rar files.

The second problem was via the Load NZB button, into the header list and then manually added into the download list.

I can send you the first problem NZB if that would help, or wait until the next beta is ready and try it again?

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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:32 pm

If it still does it after B4. I'd love to look at the NZB. I know B3 has a problem with premature deletion from the download list.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby stavros » Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:18 pm

Hi Quade,

I re-tried the first problem NZB using the new 6.91B4 and it downloaded OK without any problems :-)

I'll keep an eye out for similar problems over the next few days, just in case.

Thanks for the quick fix!
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Re: Newsbin 6.91B3 Beta - build 5595

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:39 am

That's great. Thanks for the feedback.
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