Secret (well undocumented) options in the NBI file

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Secret (well undocumented) options in the NBI file

Postby Quade » Mon May 08, 2023 3:05 pm

Newsbin as a number of undocumented features in the NBI file. Special requests from some of the users that I felt might be confusing.

Autodownload Downloaded NZBs:

In Newsbin, in the options if you select "Open Data Folder" it'll take you to the data folder. In the data folder should be a file called "Newsbin.nbi". It's a text file with 99% of Newsbin's configuration. You can edit the file with "wordpad". I highly recommend making a backup before you edit the file. You have to exit Newsbin before editing or Newsbin will overwrite your edits on exit.

Auto-Downloading NZB's Downloaded using Newsbin

Code: Select all
AutoDownload = 0/1   

1 means add an NZB you download automatically to the default NZB Autoload path. So when you download an NZB from a group, the NZB should get fed to the default Newsbin NZB Autoload folder. Then picked up and downloaded.

Save the Header Information downloaded by Newsbin

By default Newsbin downloads headers to the "Import" folder then processes them and deletes them. You can ask Newsbin to save them to a "Processed" folder in the data folder with this next option. Say you wanted to save all the headers for a specific group or groups. You could save them and manually re-feed them into Newsbin again without re-downloading.

Code: Select all
SaveGZ = 0/1 -

1 means save.

Min Free Space on Data and Download Drives.
Code: Select all
MinFreeSpace = {megs}

This sets the minimum free space before Newsbin stalls download and unrars. The default is 1 GB (1000 megs) which is probably too small for modern download speeds.

I'll add more as I see them.
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Re: Secret (well undocumented) options in the NBI file

Postby Quade » Sun May 21, 2023 2:45 pm

Data Folder Purge Age:

Code: Select all
PurgeDays = X

X being days.

Newsbin walks the data folder and purges some folders when the files in there get > X days old.

This includes the NZB import folder, "Read Posts", "Samples", "Logging" . By changing this, you can increase and decrease the time Newsbin keeps these old files around. The default is two days. You can't set it less than 1 day.
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Re: Secret (well undocumented) options in the NBI file

Postby Quade » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:01 pm

In the soon to arrive 6.91B6, you can pick whether you want unrars to be handled by the built in RAR code or by the 7zDLL. I'd hoped for a large performance boost unraring using 7zip but it didn't really appear. It might be a bit faster.

Code: Select all
UseWinRAR = 0/1

Either not being there or setting it to zero will make it use 7Zip dll. If you set it to 1, it'll use internal RAR like before.
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Re: Secret (well undocumented) options in the NBI file

Postby Quade » Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:18 pm

You can disable recursive unrars.

Say you have a RAR set that contains a bunch of zips or something like that.

Code: Select all
RecursiveUnRAR =  0/1

Set it to zero. If it doesn't exist and you want to disable recursive unrar, you'll need to add this.

As always, exit Newsbin before editing the NBI.
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