Internet Search not seeing subscribed news groups

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Internet Search not seeing subscribed news groups

Postby firehousefourfiveone » Wed May 10, 2023 3:10 pm

I've lost my confidence in my ability to figure out this problem, so any help would be appreciated. I'm using fully registered Newsbin Pro v6.90 with standard search subscription on a Windows 10 machine. My usenet service is Eweka. I've just started using Newsbin's Internet Search function. I can identify large video files (1-8GB) in various groups using the Easynews search website, and Newsbin will let me add these groups and download their headers, apparently confirming that Eweka does, in fact, carry these groups. But when I do an "All Groups" Internet Search in Newsbin, I won't get hits from these groups, though I may get hits for the search term from other binary groups. I think I have all filters turned off. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? TIA
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Re: Internet Search not seeing subscribed news groups

Postby Quade » Wed May 10, 2023 10:24 pm

After you download the headers and look in the group, do you see these files in the headers?

Newsbin's search is independent of the news server. Meaning the fact Eweka carries the group and has headers has no impact on the results. Unless you're trying to use "Local" search. By default, Newsbin uses our database for search.

How about PMing me group and some of the things you're searching for. Don't post it here I'll check it out.
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