Recovery from BSOD

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Recovery from BSOD

Postby rh » Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:02 pm

Occasionally I'll get a BSOD and "some" things in Newsbin clearly revert back to the date I last "started" Newsbin. Most notably the Last updated column in the Groups list. Aside from shutting down Newsbin daily, is there a config/data file I can keep backups of so I can restart Newsbin as though the crash never happened. Of course that strategy would be dependent on Newsbin keeping that file updated. To be clear, I have NO reason to think the BSOD is caused by Newsbin. Most likely a disk/memory issue in combination with my backup program. Seems to happen only when backups run but not EVERY time they run.
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Re: Recovery from BSOD

Postby Quade » Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:25 pm

I'd fix the BSOD problem. It's not supposed to ever happen.

The configuration gets saved periodically.

"Last Access" gets read periodically from the configuration file.

It makes me wonder if the NBI is getting wiped in the crash and Newsbin is finding one of the backup NBI's? Because I wouldn't expect "last access" to normally get zero'd out.

I've made an effort to make this stuff robust but when BSOD's happen, it's a crap shoot what survives. Files that are open when it happens are typically wiped.
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Re: Recovery from BSOD

Postby rh » Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:17 pm

To be clear, last access doesn't get cleared out - it just reverts to a point in the past that seems to be the last time I started NB. Certainly open files and BSOD are a problem. I was thinking that NB was maybe not updating (flushing) the file holding last access but just keeping that in memory until I exited.

I'll start backing up the config file periodically and then checking for and comparing that to any existing file BEFORE I start NB - after the next BSOD. It's not a primary system so the BSOD is not a huge inconvenience and the OS always boots normally afterwards. I've not dug into dump files but the few times I've looked at event logs, it's usually when Windows update is running.
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Re: Recovery from BSOD

Postby Quade » Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:01 am

The configuration file gets saved periodically. You can manually force a save with the second button on the toolbar.

The field in the NBI is "LastAccess" in each group's options.
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Re: Recovery from BSOD

Postby rh » Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:50 pm

Ok, thanks, that gives me something to watch for and work with.
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