Before I absolutely borked my system trying to be "clever", the way Newsbin worked for me before was that if I went onto sites like Drunken Slug, and clicked on an nzb, it opened Newsbin and downloaded the show into a folder in my pc. But after the borkage and reinstallation, the nbi file I did have in a different location does nothing when I load the backup on restart. I have managed with a lot of guessing and swearing managed to get Sonarr and Newbin talking to each other and loading straight to the folder, like before. First picture
But if I click on an nzb in drunken slug it just downloads straight into the folder WITHOUT making a subfolder. The settings for newsbin are shown in the included screenshot. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it.
Also a less important thing, between clicking on an nzb file and it downloading on Newsbin, there's like a pause of about 20 seconds before it appears in the main Downloading tab in newsbin....
Any help would be gratefully appreciate by me, at my age things don't come as easy to me as they did before.