Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Mick.1965 » Thu Sep 07, 2023 12:40 pm

Quade wrote:Does the NZB contain the password?

In the filename or the meta data?


Is often how they're formatted.

I assume in the metadata as I get it by opening the nzb in a text editor and finding <meta type="password">*************</meta>
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:36 am

Let me try some testing then. Thanks.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby kyshwn » Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:10 am

Weird issue that started the other day.
I don't even know how to explain the issue I am having...
Right now I've got Sonarr or Radarr pulling down nzb files to a watch directory, and newsbin is picking them up to download. They're added to the download list and begin downloading. They download and then move to the decoding phase, but it just gets to [Decode] 0% Completed and sits there. The file is, however, in the directory. But it never gets past this so never moves on to any of the other files in the list.
I'm sure it's something simple, but I don't know what I could be missing...

EDIT: So.... I figured it out later that day, but couldn't find a way to edit or remove this post.
Turns out, in editing the file locations I had left off a trailing backslash. Not sure why that would have caused such a huge issue, but at least I figured it out.
Last edited by kyshwn on Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731 / / crashing

Postby ccarlin » Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:40 pm


Beta7 has blown up on me (it exits) twice in the last month while downloading newsgroup content. I manually click on some large groups to download new content . Here's a snippet from the log. As far as I can tell the .db3 files don't get corrupted, as I can restart and continue to use newsbin w/o any problem.

[09/17 17:27:51] DEBUG CNNTPDbProcessingThread - Importing Compacts Finished
[09/17 17:27:51] DEBUG CNNTPDbProcessingThread - Importing Compacts
[09/17 17:27:51] ERROR Sqlite Error : Reports Unrecoverable error 1File: d:\Newsbin\DownloadMarker.db3
[09/17 17:27:53] DEBUG Periodic Search: Waiting for next Period 1610 Secs
[09/17 17:27:53] DEBUG Stored Range: Min: 15775948 Max: 99300016 alt.xyzzzz Astraweb.US
[09/17 17:27:53] ERROR Sqlite Error : Reports Unrecoverable error 1File: d:\Newsbin\DownloadMarker.db3

Unrelated, but as a reminder, when manually updating/clicking on groups, I always have to do this twice, as the first time doesn't show any new items. When clicking on the group a second time one gets the new items displayed.

As always, thanks for the great work. Chris.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:59 am

Right now I've got Sonarr or Radarr pulling down nzb files to a watch directory, and newsbin is picking them up to download.

That's not really how it's intended to work. I'm kind of surprised it works to be honest. Instead the intent was to add a downloader in the download clients section of Sonarr (Newbin pretends to be SAB so use SABNZb). Then in the remote NZB options in Newsbin, you set the port and just the APIKey. Make sure the same API key is in sonarr.

Then the NZB's get fed directly to Newsbin over a connection and Sonarr can monitor the downloads.

So about your issue, you don't see any error in the logging tab in Newsbin? You could send some of the problem NZB's to "ts @" and I could try downloading them.

This sounds like an unrar problem and not a sonarr problem.
I wouldn't change your setup at this point. It'll just add more potential issue.
If I can try the NZB's I might be able to tell you something.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:01 am

[09/17 17:27:51] ERROR Sqlite Error : Reports Unrecoverable error 1File: d:\Newsbin\DownloadMarker.db3

This suggests you need to delete "DownloadMarker.db3" and let Newsbin regenerate the file. If you "Open Data Folder" from the options, exit Newsbin, you can find the file and delete it.

I'm fairly close to a new beta. Someone reported NZB's with the password in the meta-data aren't being processed correctly. I need to test that first before I put another one up.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:38 am

Newsbin has been crashing on me a lot, just force closing middownload (nzbs, not headers). It was happening once in a while randomly with B4 that I was on, but it happened like 6 times last night on the same files after upgrading to B7. Not sure how to help troubleshoot. It's downloading fine then all of a sudden I notice it's no longer in the taskbar and I have to reopen it...
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:28 am

You might want to delete some of the DB3 files, like "DownloadsV2.db3", "Signature.db3" and "DownloadMarker.db3". At least move them out of the data folder and see if the symptoms change. You can always exit Newsbin and move them back if it makes no difference.

You'll need to exit Newsbin before moving them.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby kyshwn » Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:12 pm

EvanVanVan2 wrote:Newsbin has been crashing on me a lot, just force closing middownload (nzbs, not headers). It was happening once in a while randomly with B4 that I was on, but it happened like 6 times last night on the same files after upgrading to B7. Not sure how to help troubleshoot. It's downloading fine then all of a sudden I notice it's no longer in the taskbar and I have to reopen it...

I've actually noticed the same thing... I haven't been able to narrow down the problem too much, but I believe it is happening during the UNRAR or PAR decode.

I've turned on Debug Logging so hopefully, if it happens again, I'll catch something in the logs.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:36 pm

Maybe it's time for a B8 then.

I need to check my todo list. Most of the changes have been removing less reliable legacy code. There are some real changes. Like I noticed encrypted 7z's without the password trigger all PAR downloads.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Stan » Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:28 am

It may be interesting to get what OS people are using.

There is a known issue with Windows 11, but I am not sure if it affects Windows 10, with Windows Defender.

Users NEED to exclude ANY folders in which they have programs like Newsbinpro or sanbnzbd due to aggressive Windows Defender.

Not sure if it would cause things like Newsbin to error out and close but was causing issues with sabnzbd and Newshosting news client which can process nzb's.

It would seem almost like the Newshosting news client stopped extracting unless Windows Defender was disabled, but you don't want to completely disable it as then you expose the computer to a virus, so exclude the folders used for extracting and downloading from the news program downloader.

It won't hurt to try. On both Windows 10 and Windows 11. Additionally note Windows 11 is causing many issues, where some programs won't start or start right. And if the program is something not updated you will find yourself with issues.

If not, then yes a new B8 would be worth trying if released.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:12 pm

I kind of completely forgot I wrote that message last month and never got any email notifications regarding replies. I guess it's encouraging to see I'm not the only one. I'll try removing the DB3 files or excluding the folders from Windows Defender if I notice it happening alot again (it's seemed to be ok recently).

I am on Windows 11.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby kenr » Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:37 am

Is there anyway to auto delete the large amount of spam coming in just now?
Obfuscated names & senders all different so I can't make a regex to filter them.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Thu Dec 14, 2023 3:33 pm

I used a regular expression like


To mark most of the spam. It's not 100%.

I'll select this from the list and manually delete the posts that remain.

You can also generate a filter profile, add this to the "subject reject". If any part of the poster is consistent, you can "poster reject" just the matching part too.

You could then manually select the profile after you load the group or assign the profile to the group from the group properties.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby kenr » Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:33 am

Thanks, I seem to have lost all my previous filters I had setup. I had to do a reinstall and copied the .nbi file
Where are they stored?
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:20 pm

Filters.db3. In the data folder.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby ccarlin » Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:14 pm

Hi all,

An odd set of problems I'm not sure how to troubleshoot. I've been trying to post text files to a news group (via Astraweb). For any given post it might appear or might not (in the subject list). Further, it can sometimes be seen as part of a thread of responses and then later (when re-read) be lost. It appears a lot of this weird behavior is visible in alt.alt.test now. There will be a single message posted, yet it's really a collection of 10'ish messages (you can see them download separately - and sometimes even be able to click on/read an individual one). And, one can read/download a text post, but it won't be shown as read (it's still green). I've replied to my own test posts and they sometimes show, yet minutes later won't. Ditto some entire messages. Sometimes they'll be displayed and other times not. Super odd. So, my first question is this a local problem to just me, or to just astraweb, or is it a more general one? FYI, I've not tried any of this with versions prior to B7. Thanks.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby zoggy » Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:59 pm

on 6.90 final, when doing the get_config command, the complete_dir aligns with current settings:

however, after upgrading to 6.91b7, complete_dir is set incorrectly:
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:59 pm

I'll check it. Thanks. I'm pretty close to the next beta so this came at a good time.

I don't use the Sonarr specific unrar folder setting when I download. I leave it blank. It download to the main NZB Download folder.

I believe Sonarr finds the files by looking at the actual download after it completes and doesn't use the config information.

It sends a "history" query and Newsbin responds with a list of finished downloads that included the NZB Filename, actual destination path and I believe the final filename.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby euroweb » Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:15 pm

Quade wrote:I'll check it. Thanks. I'm pretty close to the next beta so this came at a good time.

I don't use the Sonarr specific unrar folder setting when I download. I leave it blank. It download to the main NZB Download folder.

I believe Sonarr finds the files by looking at the actual download after it completes and doesn't use the config information.

It sends a "history" query and Newsbin responds with a list of finished downloads that included the NZB Filename, actual destination path and I believe the final filename.

Excited to see the next beta! Keep up the great work, thanks.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Tue Jan 30, 2024 12:36 am

Someone reported a problem with the watch lists. It's the last thing I need to check.

I've validated with testing that your issue is working in B8.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Alienns » Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:09 pm

My expirience...

I have no main issues with this buid, works great, except sometimes this beta download all pars even when is not necessary. Than i got few GB-s downloaded unecessery + bandwith and time wasted.
Last offcial version was sort of best version but that version dl only first par and if i need more i need to download manualy if AutoPar is disabled, this beta dl and fix it automaticaly but dl ALL pars even if is 1 block needed for fix.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Vimes » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:56 am

Just to let you know that in the systems taskbar the icon looks ok and when it is downloading it changes to this....


however, it does not change back to the "static" non downloading icon when it has finished downloading and everything has extracted.

Another point is when selecting a nzb to add, in the stable version it appears as a one line with the + icon next to it so that, if you want, you can open that to see the individual files. Keep it closed and then just the one overall file is shown to be downloaded. With the coloured rising bar, as it downloads.
With this version there seems to be no "one" overall look, all aspects, including pars etc, are shown as a default view. It looks a mess.

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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby euroweb » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:16 am

If this has already reported, please ignore it:

One issue I have noticed (not sure which version it started or if it was there all along) is that some MP4 files do NOT unrar automatically?

I am not referring to corrupted archives; I am referring to files which are fine: I am able to successfully manually unrar them with 7zip (without any repair).
Other MP4 files unrar fine with Newsbin.

Next time it happens, I can check the logs to see if it contains any clues.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:26 am

1 - I've seen too many PAR downloads too but its been specific sets and I'm not sure what triggers it yet. I do have a note to look deeper.

2 - I noted that the progress on the toolbar doesn't ever go to zero. I'll check it out.

3 - Not sure about why it won't decode some files. If you can find any logging, let me know. Is it possible you have decode disabled for some of your groups?

Thanks for the reports. I've written them all down and will check.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby euroweb » Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:23 pm

Quade wrote:1 - I've seen too many PAR downloads too but its been specific sets and I'm not sure what triggers it yet. I do have a note to look deeper.

2 - I noted that the progress on the toolbar doesn't ever go to zero. I'll check it out.

3 - Not sure about why it won't decode some files. If you can find any logging, let me know. Is it possible you have decode disabled for some of your groups?

Thanks for the reports. I've written them all down and will check.

Re. #3, I do not see anything logged in Newsbin for the archives (which contain MP4s) that do not unrar automatically with Newsbin and have to be extracted manually instead.
I was looking and I do not see an option not to decode for certain groups. Can you point me to the section of the settings where I can find this option (for future reference)?
That said, I would remember if I had set it up differently for certain groups, but I would still love to know where the option is (out of curiosity / just in case I ever need it).
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:25 am

If you right click a group or group of groups in the group listing, then do properties, you'll see an option to "Disable UNRAR for this group". If you check that, after the download and repair, it won't unrar.
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby euroweb » Thu Feb 08, 2024 3:02 pm

Quade wrote:If you right click a group or group of groups in the group listing, then do properties, you'll see an option to "Disable UNRAR for this group". If you check that, after the download and repair, it won't unrar.


When I click on View >Groups in Newsbin, all I see is this very limited list (default list I guess?):

Custom_Lists (0),0,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Watch_Topics (0),0,,None,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Unsorted (0),0,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Automobiles (2),132327,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Motorcycles (1),3477,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Music (1),280,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Planes (1),95033,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Radio (2),38463,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
Trains (2),156884,,Global,driverletter:\my_folder_name
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Re: Newsbin 6.91 B7 Beta - build 5731

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:52 am

If you use NZB's only then you might not use that listing. You can add groups to it from the group add options. You can get to it from the main menu.

Groups by default get added to "Unsorted" then you can make new folders and move groups to these folders.

There's 3 different ways to get information for download.

1 - Our search engine
2 - NZB Files.
3 - Download information from the servers and then browse these listings.

Groups are mainly used for #3.
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