Starting from scratch

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Starting from scratch

Postby eclapwannabe » Fri Nov 08, 2024 2:18 am

I don't know if you have been following the news but Western North Carolina experienced a 100 year Flooding Event. In that flood I lost a hard drive which contained all my Newsbin pro 64 programs and key. It was a 6.xxxx version but I can't recall. I have looked over notes on my computer but I cannot find the key or original transaction. I also lost 4 filing cabinets worth of info. my new strategy is save combo cloud and backup kept in a fire and water proof contain. I lost about 3TB of data that I had collected the last 20 + years. If need be I will buy your latest version and obtain a new Key.

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Re: Starting from scratch

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 08, 2024 10:34 am

Sorry about your loss. Just send an email using the tech support form. Dex or I can look up your key and send it to you.

You'll need to figure out what news server you were using and contact them for your username and password. With the key and username and password, you should be able to get going again.

I do offsite backups but, maybe that's not enough. I'll have to think about it. Fireproof safes aren't water proof.
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Re: Starting from scratch

Postby eclapwannabe » Fri Nov 08, 2024 11:37 pm

I do have the information for the usenet servers I was using. For some reason I kept that info on a my notes program on my mobile phone. I will send the necessary information through the tech support forum
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