Known Issues with 4.11

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Moderators: Quade, dexter

Known Issues with 4.11

Postby dexter » Sat May 31, 2003 8:30 am

None of these bugs are considered critical, as they all have workarounds. We are working on them though.

1) The TCP Window Size under Preferences/Options/Network is not hooked up. Also, if you try to enter a number, it add 3 0's to the end of the number (like 32 turns into 32000) and you get an error message. Best to just set it to 0 and let Windows use the default TCP Window size, you will not notice a performance difference.

2) We still have reports that a "Message 01" box pops up when you start NewsBin. A reboot resolves this. We are working on a more permanent solution now.

3) We still have reports of premature Nag. If you get a nag screen before your 10 days are up, save your configuration and restart NewsBin. If that doesn't work, make sure you keep your default download path, changing this seems to mess up the 10 day trial.
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