Version 4.31 Release

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Moderators: Quade, dexter

Version 4.31 Release

Postby dexter » Tue May 04, 2004 2:40 pm

There were two critical problems in version 4.3 that only affected first time users during the setup process. Version 4.31 addresses the following issues:

1) Was not saving server info from the setup wizard.
2) Queued posts would not download the first time unless connections were adjusted or NewsBin was restarted.
3) Filename filters did not work when multiple servers were configured
4) Temporary server errors retried forever, no cap that.

Note that this version does not work under Windows 95, 98, 98SE, or Windows ME. If you are still running one of those OS's, you will need to stick with Version 4.22.

Please read the release notes before downloading version 4.31. The download link is on the same page as the release notes.
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