can I match everything BUT X?

Tips on writing regular expressions for searching the post list

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can I match everything BUT X?

Postby ElenaD » Fri Apr 05, 2002 11:52 am

Say there's a newsgroup that has a TON of postings I am not interested in. Is there a way to Filter out the ones I don't want and only show all the others? Yes, they do have a commonality of subject lines.
I (think) I understand the reject filter, but I can't seem to make it work for the reverse.
For example, let's say I want to filter out all the Rolling Stones posts from a music group.
If I put "Rolling Stones" (minus the quotes always)into the reject filter, they still seem to show up. I have tried "Rolling" and "Rolling Stone" and "rolling stone"
I just can't seem to find a RegExp for Match Everything BUT...
I would rather be able to do this on the fly from the FIND taskbar. But If I can make the reject filters work, I guess I can create a ton of profiles and apply them that way.

Any help here?

RE: can I match everything BUT X?

Postby dexter » Fri Apr 05, 2002 12:02 pm

LAST EDITED ON 04-05-02 AT 10:10 AM (EST) Your "rolling stones" should work (no quotes). The filters are case-insensitive. Are you sure they are getting applied? Once you make a change to the filters, you need to re-apply the filter. The easiest way is to click the "Show Filtered Posts" checkbox and then uncheck it. You can also reapply the filter using the "Apply Filter Profile" drop box. If you haven't given the filter profile a name, it will be under "DEFAULT"

As for doing this from the Find field, there was a discussion about a logical "NOT" a while back, I can't remember the outcome.
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RE: can I match everything BUT X?

Postby kewakl » Fri Apr 05, 2002 11:30 pm

>As for doing this from the Find field, there was a
>discussion about a logical "NOT" a while back, I can't
>remember the outcome.

Can we find out what Quade is thinking on adding a NOT operator for Regex strings.
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RE: can I match everything BUT X?

Postby boogeeman » Fri Jun 07, 2002 5:55 pm

>>As for doing this from the Find field, there was a
>>discussion about a logical "NOT" a while back, I can't
>>remember the outcome.
>Can we find out what Quade
>is thinking on adding a
>NOT operator for Regex strings.

Well there's kind of a not operator. Only works with ranges I believe. Here's an example:


This will show headers with .r04-.r09
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RE: can I match everything BUT X?

Postby boogeeman » Fri Jun 07, 2002 6:18 pm

>>>As for doing this from the Find field, there was a
>>>discussion about a logical "NOT" a while back, I can't
>>>remember the outcome.
>>Can we find out what Quade
>>is thinking on adding a
>>NOT operator for Regex strings.
>Well there's kind of a not
>operator. Only works with ranges
>I believe. Here's an example:
>This will show headers with .r04-.r09

Well I'd like to correct myself. This works to:
This blocks all headers starting with "req".
I guess it just operates on atoms in brackets?
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RE: can I match everything BUT X?

Postby boogeeman » Fri Jun 07, 2002 7:16 pm

>>>>As for doing this from the Find field, there was a
>>>>discussion about a logical "NOT" a while back, I can't
>>>>remember the outcome.
>>>Can we find out what Quade
>>>is thinking on adding a
>>>NOT operator for Regex strings.
>>Well there's kind of a not
>>operator. Only works with ranges
>>I believe. Here's an example:
>>This will show headers with .r04-.r09
>Well I'd like to correct myself.
>This works to:
>This blocks all headers starting with
>I guess it just operates on
>atoms in brackets?

hmmm .. the more I play with it the more confuseder I gets. This works as expected showing .r00-.r09 and not the .rar:
but this doesn't seem to work right:
This one returns the upper case .RAR???
I only have a few hairs left...
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